Cabine Deluxe Pont 3
20% Ponant Bonus
19 m²
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In alliance with Smithsonian Journeys.
This cruise is part of a collection of PONANT voyages that are specially-tailored for English-speaking travelers who want to engage with the world. In addition to the usual elements of the PONANT experience, the listed price for these voyages includes transfers to and from the ship, talks and discussions aboard ship by world class experts, and a shore excursion or activity in each port of call that encourages guests to embrace the sights, sounds, tastes, and smells of the local environment and culture.
Set sail aboard Le Bougainville on an exceptional 8-day itinerary that will take you along the Portuguese and Spanish coasts, from Lisbon to Barcelona.
Your voyage begins in Lisbon, Portugal’s capital. Lisbon boasts two UNESCO World Heritage sites, the Jerónimos Monastery and the Belém Tower. Enjoy strolling through the streets of this city of seven hills, soaking up the local zest for life.
You head first to the rich cultural landscape of Andalusia, where you will discover Cádiz, one of the country’s oldest cities, and enchanting Málaga. These calls will allow for visits to the superb palace of the Alcázar in Seville and to the magnificent Alhambra of Grenada, both UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
Your ship will then sail to Palma de Mallorca in the Balearic Islands. Stop at the Gothic-style Bellver Castle, one of only a handful of circular castles in Europe, or board a vintage train through the orange and olive groves, almond and locust-bean trees, lush villages, and pine-covered mountains that create the island landscape.
Your call in captivating Valencia offers the opportunity to view the city’s architectural wonders, from the UNESCO World Heritage La Lonja de la Seda, a masterpiece of late Gothic architecture originally used for trading silk, to the City of Arts and Sciences, a complex designed by native architect Santiago Calatrava.
Your voyage will end in Barcelona, a city in perpetual movement, where you will fall under the spell of the famous architectural works of Antoni Gaudí, including the UNESCO World Heritage Basílica de la Sagrada Família.
Ref : LB3145UN - EG190425
A voyage specially-tailored for English-speaking travelers including discussions with experts, transfers before and after your cruise, and an included excursion in each port of call. Engaging onboard lectures...
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*Tarif minimum par passager, en base occupation double. La catégorie de cabine correspondant à ce tarif peut n’être plus disponible.
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Tenue idéale pour la vie à bord :
Durant les journées passées à bord, il vous est conseillé de porter des vêtements confortables ou des tenues décontractées. L’ensemble du navire étant climatisé, un pull fin, une veste légère ou un châle peuvent vous être nécessaires. Pour vos déplacements dans les espaces publics et sur les ponts du navire, privilégiez des chaussures légères mais confortables.
Soirée informelle :
Le soir, il vous est conseillé de porter une tenue de ville élégante, en particulier lors des dîners dans nos restaurants où le port de short et tee-shirt n’est pas autorisé.
Pour les femmes :
Pour les hommes :
Soirée des officiers :
Pour toutes les croisières de plus de 8 nuits, une Soirée des Officiers sur le thème « Soirée Blanche » pourra être organisée. Par conséquent, nous vous incitons à prévoir pour l’occasion une tenue de ville élégante blanche (à défaut noire et blanche).
Soirée de gala :
Lors de nos croisières, deux soirées de gala sont organisées à bord. Aussi, nous vous recommandons de prévoir une ou deux tenues plus formelles.
Pour les femmes :
Pour les hommes :
Une boutique est ouverte durant les moments de navigation proposant une large gamme de tenues, bijoux, maroquinerie et de nombreux accessoires.
Nous vous informons qu’un service de blanchisserie (nettoyage - repassage) existe à bord, mais il n’est pas en mesure de vous proposer un nettoyage à sec. Pour des raisons de sécurité, votre cabine n’est pas équipée d’un fer à repasser.
Dans le sac qui ne vous quittera pas, pensez à emporter les médicaments dont vous avez besoin, et éventuellement un petit nécessaire de toilette et de rechange (en cas de retard dans la livraison de votre bagage par la compagnie aérienne). Assurez-vous d’avoir toujours avec vous les documents de voyage dont vous pourriez avoir besoin : voucher d’hôtel, voucher de croisière, billets de vol retour… Ne les laissez jamais dans vos bagages enregistrés en soute.
Toutes nos cabines disposent d’un coffre. Nous vous recommandons de ne pas descendre à terre avec vos bijoux de valeur.
Activités PONANT
Embarquement 19/04/2025 de 16:00 à 17:00
Départ 19/04/2025 à 18:00
La capitale portugaise située sur les rives du Tage, à quelques kilomètres seulement de la côte atlantique, est une ville dotée d’une riche diversité culturelle. À l’entrée du port fluvial, s'imposent deux monuments classés au patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco, le monastère des Hiéronymites et la tour de Belém. La colline de l’Alfama vaut également le détour : connu pour ses bars de fado et ses ruelles mauresques, ce quartier est le plus ancien de la ville et l’un des plus typiques. Non loin de là, les rues raffinées du Chiado abritent les grands noms de la mode et invitent à une virée shopping toute en élégance.
Arrivée 20/04/2025
Départ 20/04/2025
Lors de votre traversée en mer, profitez des nombreux services et activités à bord. Offrez-vous un moment de détente au spa ou entretenez votre forme à la salle de sport. Selon la saison, laissez-vous tenter par la piscine ou par un bain de soleil. Cette traversée sans escale sera également l’occasion d’assister aux conférences ou spectacles proposés à bord, selon les activités proposées, ou de faire quelques achats à la boutique ou de rencontrer les photographes PONANT dans l’espace qui leur est dédié. Les amoureux du grand large, quant à eux, se rendront sur le pont supérieur du navire pour admirer le spectacle des flots et auront peut-être la chance d’observer des espèces marines. Une véritable parenthèse enchantée, entre confort, repos et divertissement.
Arrivée 21/04/2025 en début de matinée
Départ 21/04/2025 en fin d'après-midi
L’andalouse Cadix borde la Costa de la Luz, dans le Sud-Ouest ibérique. Des plages de la Cortadura aux bars de flamenco de Santa Maria, en passant par les ruelles colorées de la Viña, vous découvrirez une ville aussi historique que festive. Dans le quartier médiéval d’El Pópulo, vous emprunterez des passages couverts, aménagés entre les étroites rangées de maisons. Vous aurez aussi l’occasion de vous attarder sur la verdoyante place Mina. Clou du spectacle : la majestueuse cathédrale, au dôme couronné d’une coupole de faïences jaunes, qui se dresse au bord de l’océan.
Arrivée 22/04/2025 en début de matinée
Départ 22/04/2025 en fin de soirée
Cité historique et festive, Málaga se situe en Andalousie, sur la Costa del Sol. Entre le port de plaisance et les plages, la promenade maritime de la Farola offre un cadre idéal pour flâner. Un peu en retrait, les arènes de la Malagueta sont un site emblématique de la ville. Depuis la colline dominant la vieille ville, on peut apercevoir le château de Gibralfaro et l’Alcazaba, deux ensembles fortifiés surgissant parmi les cyprès et les pins maritimes. Pour visiter la maison natale de Pablo Picasso, vous vous rendrez sur la majestueuse plaza de la Merced. À quelques rues de là, vous pourrez aussi découvrir le musée consacré à l’artiste, dans le palais de Buenavista.
Arrivée 23/04/2025
Départ 23/04/2025
Lors de votre traversée en mer, profitez des nombreux services et activités à bord. Offrez-vous un moment de détente au spa ou entretenez votre forme à la salle de sport. Selon la saison, laissez-vous tenter par la piscine ou par un bain de soleil. Cette traversée sans escale sera également l’occasion d’assister aux conférences ou spectacles proposés à bord, selon les activités proposées, ou de faire quelques achats à la boutique ou de rencontrer les photographes PONANT dans l’espace qui leur est dédié. Les amoureux du grand large, quant à eux, se rendront sur le pont supérieur du navire pour admirer le spectacle des flots et auront peut-être la chance d’observer des espèces marines. Une véritable parenthèse enchantée, entre confort, repos et divertissement.
Arrivée 24/04/2025 en milieu de journée
Départ 24/04/2025 en début de soirée
Criques idylliques, majestueuses falaises de calcaire plongeant dans les eaux saphir et turquoise transparentes de la Méditerranée, vastes plaines plantées d'amandiers, d'oliviers et de vignobles, Palma de Majorque vous dévoile la richesse de ses trésors. Lors de votre escale au cœur de la capitale des îles Baléares, profitez d’une balade pour découvrir ses monuments emblématiques comme la célèbre cathédrale, tout en déambulant dans ses vieilles ruelles. Ici, comme un tableau, le patrimoine historique de l’île sert de toile de fond à l’ambiance cosmopolite, animée et chaleureuse de la Méditerranée.
Arrivée 25/04/2025 en début de matinée
Départ 25/04/2025 en fin d'après-midi
Valence, la ville des Arts et des Sciences… Deux cœurs battent dans la ville espagnole : l’un est moderne, à l’avant-garde et presque futuriste, l’autre, plus provincial, se révèle traditionnel et nostalgique. Troisième ville d’Espagne, Valence a le tempérament d’une grande cité méditerranéenne dont les larges avenues ceinturent le cœur de la vieille ville. La cité possède une abondance de styles architecturaux qui cohabitent harmonieusement. Elle est aussi tournée vers le 3e millénaire avec son Palais des Congrès et sa Cité des Sciences, dont les structures futuristes émergent d’une piscine bleue cristalline.
Arrivée 26/04/2025 en début de matinée
Débarquement 26/04/2025 à 09:00
Située en front de mer entre les montagnes de Montjuïc et du Tibidabo, Barcelone offre à ses nombreux visiteurs une parfaite alliance de traditions et de modernisme. Véritable musée à ciel ouvert, « la ville prodige » dévoile un étonnant éventail de trésors artistiques et de musées, alliant vestiges romains, quartiers médiévaux, et nombreux éléments avant-gardistes du XXe siècle. Elle fut marquée au fil des ans par les plus grands artistes tels que Picasso, Miró ou encore Gaudí, dont la plupart des œuvres architecturales présentes dans la ville sont classées Unesco. Prenez le temps de déambuler le long des Ramblas et goûtez à la douceur de vivre typiquement méditerranéenne de la capitale de la Catalogne.
Settled about 1100 BCE by Phoenicians, Cadiz is one of the oldest cities in Western Europe. It remains to this day an important port and an opening to the history and culture of southernmost Spain.
Your excursion begins with a picturesque walking tour from the pier to San Juan de Dios square, where you will witness the historic architecture of the town hall against a modern background of pedestrian walkways and palm-tree-lined fountains.
Continue through the Barrio del Pópulo, the heartbeat of the city and Cadiz’s old town. Considered one of the oldest neighborhoods in Europe, Pópulo was once home to Phoenicians, Punics, Romans, and Arabs alike.
Proceed to the Catedral de Cadiz for an outside visit to view the gold dome and exquisite Baroque façade. Construction of the cathedral began in 1722, when Cadiz was at the height of its power and one of the wealthiest ports in Western Europe, with gold and silver from the New World. Continue your walk through winding streets to the Plaza de las Flores and enjoy some free time to explore on your own.
Meet back up with your guide and pass by the lively Plaza San Francisco, home to the Convent of San Francisco, house of the Franciscans in Cadiz, founded in 1566. Continue to Plaza de la Mina, one of the most popular residential squares in Cadiz, and one of the historic gardens of the city.
End at the Flamenco La Cava, one of the city's premiere tablao, where you will be treated to an exciting performance of flamenco, replete with rhythmically tapping heels, clicking castanets, and the traditional rascado flourishes of the guitar. During the show, a full tapas style lunch will be served, the perfect enhancement to a quintessentially Spanish experience.
After lunch and the show, transfer back to the ship.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
Seville was shaped by a succession of civilizations — Roman, Moorish, Jewish, Christian — that alternately clashed violently and then found ways to coexist. The rich multicultural legacy of this mixing of traditions is found everywhere in the city. On this tour, you will discover two of Seville’s UNESCO World Heritage sites and experience the vitality of everyday life in this vibrant community.
As you traverse the rolling countryside from Cadiz to Seville, you will see a landscape of olive and orange groves and vineyards that have long supplied the city of Seville and that now export fine wines and oils around the world. You will also pass farms where Spain’s finest bulls and horses are bred.
Upon arrival in Seville, you will disembark your coach and enjoy a stroll through the charming Murillo Gardens, which lead the way to the royal compound of the Real Alcazar. This UNESCO World Heritage site, built in the Mudéjar style in the 14th century, is today a sprawling complex incorporating architectural influences from the Renaissance, Baroque and 19th century. Here you will discover lavish gardens, sparkling ponds and fountains, and fascinating ornamental details at every turn.
A short walk from the Alcazar is the UNESCO World Heritage Cathedral of Seville – the largest Gothic cathedral in the world and the site of Christopher Columbus’s tomb. The central nave rises 120 feet above the interior. La Giralda, built as a minaret for the city's chief mosque in the 12th century, now serves as the bell tower and a symbol of Seville.
After a lunch at a local restaurant featuring signature dishes, enjoy a walking tour and time at leisure exploring the Barrio de Santa Cruz. The city’s former Jewish quarter, the barrio is a labyrinth of narrow cobbled streets lined with orange trees and whitewashed buildings decorated with wrought-iron grilled windows.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
A panoramic drive north from Malaga through the towns and villages of central Andalusia brings you to Cordoba, located on the north bank of the Guadalquivir River about 80 miles east of Seville. A prosperous city under Roman rule, it became something of a boom town in the early Middle Ages when the Umayyad family made it the capital of the Caliphate of Cordoba. By the end of the 10th century, it was probably the largest city in Europe, with a population nearing 100,000. It was also a leading center of scholarship, helping to preserve the legacy of Greece and Rome for future generations.
Your visit to Cordoba begins with a tour of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of La Mezquita, an enormous 8th-century mosque that was converted to a Cathedral in the 13th century—a dazzling fusion of Islamic and Christian architecture that served as a model for much of the 'Moorish' architecture of southern Iberia and North Africa. From the Mosque-Cathedral it is a short walk to the Alcazar de los Reyes Cristianos, home to Ferdinand and Isabella for eight years during the Reconquista, and the site of their first meeting with Christopher Columbus. Continue your tour with a stroll through the labyrinth of narrow streets adorned with colorful flowers cascading from whitewashed balconies that is Cordoba's vibrant Jewish quarter, and visit its 14th-century synagogue.
At the end of the tour, sit down to a lunch of Andalusian tapas at a local restaurant, followed by some time at leisure to explore on your own before returning to Malaga and your ship.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
During this walking tour of Old Málaga, explore the incredible art and architecture of the birthplace city of Picasso, and discover his work during a visit to the Picasso Museum.
From the pier, start your guided walking tour to the Picasso Museum. En route, take a stroll through Málaga’s Old Town. Your first stop is Calle Larios, the main shopping street of Málaga. Next, cross the Plaza de la Constitución, walk along Calle Granada to the Plaza de la Merced. Then proceed to the highlight of the tour, the Picasso Museum of Málaga, or "Museo Picasso Málaga".
The Picasso Museum is permanently housed in the Palacio de Buenavista, a 16th century historical building that is adorned with the Andalusian architecture of the day, along with a unique blend of Renaissance and Mudéjar elements. Following your guided museum visit, proceed to a local restaurant for a snack of local tapas and wine. Return to the ship with your guide or enjoy some free time to explore on your own.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
This tour takes you to Granada to explore the incomparable Alhambra, built by caliphs of the Nasrid dynasty and recognized as the very pinnacle of Islamic architecture in the region.
Enjoy a drive through abundant olive orchards dotted with picturesque villages to the city of Granada, situated on a mesa in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada. From its founding by the Umayyad dynasty in the 8th century until 1492, Granada was the center of a civilization in which the three great monotheistic faiths worked side by side to build a society of tolerance, dialogue, and coexistence.
On arrival in Granada, a stroll through the city center ends at the majestic Cathedral, a remarkable combination of Baroque façade, Renaissance dome and Gothic floor plan. Admire the Cathedral from the outside, before entering the Royal Chapel. In the Cathedral’s Royal Chapel are the tombs of Ferdinand and Isabella, the Catholic Monarchs who brought an end to Islamic rule in Iberia.
A short drive brings you to lunch in a local restaurant before continuing to the Alhambra for an afternoon tour.
Although damaged and restored over the centuries, it is not difficult to picture the palace as it was 600 years ago. Enter the Alqala hamra ("red castle") and visit the Nazaries Palaces — a complex of buildings with intricately carved stucco walls, knotted ceilings, and charming courtyards. Discover the Serallo, the official residence of the Sultan and Harem, which surrounds the famous Patio de los Leones with its 12 lion fountains. Continue with a visit to the Generalife Palace and Gardens, built as a summer paradise for the Sultan.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
A short drive from the pier is the Fundació Miró Mallorca, a museum dedicated to the work of Joan Miró. In 1981, two years before the artist's death, he and his wife, Pilar, established the foundation to showcase Miró's work and to promote contemporary art in general. It is their gift to the city that served as their home after Miró's self-imposed exile from the mainland of Franco's Spain. The museum includes a main building that houses thousands of the artist's works, a library, a sculpture garden and Miró's studio, which fulfills his wish that everything be left behind "as it is the moment I disappear." Your visit will allow you to view works spanning the entire length of Miró's career, from 1908 to 1983.
After visiting the foundation, embark on a panoramic tour of the city of Palma, stopping briefly at the 14th-century Bellver Castle, which has towered over the city for over 700 years, serving variously as a royal residence, a Mint, and a prison. It is the only circular castle in Spain complete with round towers.
Arriving at the waterfront historic district, you stop at La Seu, Mallorca's cathedral and the second largest in Spain (after the one in Seville). The edifice took nearly four centuries to complete and boasts the magnificent Portal del Mirador, one of the finest examples of Gothic portals to be found anywhere. Your tour continues on foot as you discover the old town of Palma, whose narrow streets are home to fascinating buildings and interesting shops and cafés, where you will have time to browse and perhaps make a purchase.
The return drive to the pier is along the city ramparts, where you can see the fishing harbor, the former Merchandise Exchange of La Lonja and the Consulado del Mar, the seat of the Balearic Government.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
From the pier in Palma, drive about 45 minutes to Valldemossa, a picturesque town in the foothills of the Tramuntana mountains renowned for its artistic heritage. Upon arrival in Valldemossa, your local guide will lead you on a captivating exploration of the village's center. Wander through narrow cobbled streets, admire traditional Mallorcan architecture, and uncover the rich history that unfolds around every corner. You'll have the chance to learn about the village's most famous residents, including the composer Frederic Chopin and the writer George Sand, who found inspiration in Valldemossa's idyllic beauty.
We then take a short drive to Son Reus and board the vintage, narrow gauge Tren de Sóller to embark on a nostalgic journey through the heart of the Tramuntana. As the train winds its way through the valley, marvel at the breathtaking mountain scenery and soak in the fresh mountain air.
The carriages are made of wood, meticulously maintained by skilled craftsmen, and the scenery along the way is absolutely lovely. Originally built to transport the fruits of the orange and olive groves through which you pass, the train is now used by locals and tourists alike to get from the island's north coast to the capital city.
In addition to its scenic route, the Sóller railway also stands out for its engineering. To overcome the natural barrier of the Sierra de Alfàbia, the railway bed runs through thirteen tunnels ranging in length from 110 feet to 1.75 miles, crosses over several bridges, including the “cinc-ponts” viaduct which has five arches, and accomplishes a series of remarkably sharp turns.
You will disembark the train in Soller, a picturesque town in the foothills of the Tramuntana mountains and a popular summer retreat for writers and artists who are attracted by its tranquil setting, favorable light, and laid-back way of life. A guided tour will introduce you to the center of the town and its major attractions, after which you will have time at leisure to explore on your own or do some shopping.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
A short drive from the ship brings you to Marivent Gardens, on an estate used by the Spanish royal family in the summer. Opened to the public only in 2017, the gardens are beautifully designed and maintained, featuring a delightful variety of trees, shrubs and flowers and offering an opportunity to enjoy a leisurely stroll amid the tranquility. Dotted throughout the gardens are a dozen sculptures by Joan Miró donated to the park by the artist.
After visiting the gardens, you embark on a panoramic tour of the city of Palma, passing by the 14th-century Bellver Castle, which has towered over the city for over 700 years, serving variously as a royal residence, a Mint, and a prison, and the only circular castle in Spain complete with round towers. Arriving at the waterfront historic, you stop at La Seu, Mallorca's cathedral and the second largest in Spain (after the one in Seville). The edifice took nearly four centuries to complete and boasts the magnificent Portal del Mirador, one of the finest examples of Gothic portals to be found anywhere.
Your tour continues on foot as you discover the old town of Palma, whose narrow streets are home to fascinating buildings and interesting shops and cafés. Here you will have time to browse and perhaps make a purchase, before stopping at a local pastry shop to enjoy Mallorca's signature ensaïmada, a spiral shaped sweet bread, traditionally served plain with generous amounts of powdered sugar, but also available with a variety of fillings.
The return drive to the pier is along the city ramparts, where you can see the fishing harbor, the former Merchandise Exchange of La Lonja and the Consulado del Mar, the seat of the Balearic Government.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
Depart from the pier towards the Albufera National Park, a 50,000+ acre natural reserve, freshwater lagoon, and estuary located on the Gulf of Valencia coast and surrounded by wild pine forest. Once a saltwater lagoon but diluted by centuries of irrigation, the reserve is home to Spain’s largest lake and a paradise for migratory birds, nesting birds, and a variety of other species of plants and wildlife.
After a brief walk through the reserve, board a traditional wooden boat and enjoy a 45-minute cruise through the canals and estuaries, guided by a local fisherman who will share knowledge of the area's ecosystem and wildlife.
Disembark and enjoy a snack of traditional tapas before boarding your coach and returning to the pier.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
Begin your journey with a short walk through Valencia's Old Town to the UNESCO World Heritage La Lonja de la Seda, a masterpiece of late Gothic architecture. Built from 1482-1533, this group of buildings was originally used for silk trading. The grandiose Sala de Contratación displays the power and wealth of a major Mediterranean mercantile city in the 15th-16th centuries. Then, delve deeper into the city’s textile history with a visit to the Valencia Silk Museum, once the headquarters of the Velvet Weaver’s Guild.
Next, delve into the world of Las Fallas, Valencia's most celebrated festival, and a celebration of the coming of spring, cultural identity, social cohesion, and creativity. Explore the Las Fallas Museum, featuring massive, satirical sculptures called fallas as well as a photomontage exhibit that unveils the festival's origins and traditions.
Enjoy time to explore the city on your own or return to the ship for lunch and an afternoon at leisure.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
Begin in the heart of Valencia's Old Town at La Plaza de la Reina, the city's historic center. Your walking tour will visit the 13th-century Cathedral (outside only), built after the Reconquista on the site of a Roman temple that had been converted to an Arab mosque. This Gothic structure is home to what is said to be the Holy Grail, as well as paintings by Goya and Maella. Its bell tower, El Miguelete, is one of Valencia's most emblematic monuments.
Continue to the UNESCO World Heritage La Lonja de la Seda, a masterpiece of late Gothic architecture. Built from 1482-1533, this group of buildings was originally used for silk trading. The grandiose Sala de Contratación displays the power and wealth of a major Mediterranean mercantile city in the 15th-16th centuries.
Enjoy a paella lunch at a local restaurant. After lunch, visit Valencia's City of Arts and Sciences, the largest cultural-educational complex in Europe. Designed by the Valencian architect Santiago Calatrava, it comprises five buildings surrounded by landscaped gardens and waterworks, covering nearly 500 acres at the eastern end of the Turia Gardens. Tour the Palau de les Arts Reina Sofia, one of the five buildings. This impressive monument combines the architect's style with complex engineering and state of the art technology to enhance performances while bringing them closer to the public. This stunning building features four distinct specially-designed venues, one each for opera, dance, recitals, and theater.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
Une offre complète
Art de vivre à la française, (ou atmosphère décontractée sur Le Paul Gauguin), service attentionné, cuisine raffinée, activités, espaces bien-être : laissez-vous porter, au fil de l'eau, entre moments de détente, d'aventure et de découverte, grâce à toutes les prestations qui vous sont réservées.
¹Hors boissons premium à la carte.
²Le service majordome est disponible pour les suites suivantes : Le Boréal, L'Austral, Le Soléal et Le Lyrial : toutes les suites sur le pont 6 ; Les PONANT Explorers : Suites de l'Armateur, Suites Grand Deluxe, Suites Privilège et Suites Prestige sur le pont 6 ; Le Commandant Charcot : Suite de l'Armateur, Suites Duplex, Suites Privilège et Suites Prestige ; Le Paul Gauguin : Suites de l'Armateur, Grandes Suites, Suites Véranda A et Cabines Véranda B.
PONANT has organized the following included program for you, which starts the day of embarkation.
Included Features:
Not included:
À bord de votre navire, un conférencier francophone vous propose un éclairage culturel et historique pour approfondir votre connaissance de la destination : origine des traditions locales, histoire des sites emblématiques, évocation de personnages célèbres et des grandes épopées historiques…. Lors de conférences à bord ou de vos sorties à terre, cet expert vous accompagnera tout au long de votre croisière PONANT pour partager avec vous son précieux savoir.
Nos prestations complémentaires
Le Portugal est souvent présenté aux étudiants en histoire comme le pays qui a ouvert la voie à la découverte par l'Europe de l'Afrique subsaharienne, de l'Inde et de l'Asie de l'Est. Mais tout au long de la majeure partie de l'ère moderne, le Portugal, comme le reste de la péninsule ibérique, était à l'avant-garde des développements dans les domaines de l'art et de l'architecture. Ce programme spécialement conçu vous fera découvrir des monuments qui célèbrent ces deux aspects du passé du Portugal.
Arrivée à Lisbonne, où vous serez accueilli et transféré à l'Hôtel Altis Avenida. L'heure d'enregistrement est 15h00. Un représentant local sera présent au bureau d'accueil dans l'après-midi pour vous accueillir et vous offrir des suggestions pour le dîner et l'exploration indépendante. Rejoignez d'autres voyageurs ce soir pour une réception de bienvenue à l'hôtel. Le dîner est à votre charge.
Après le petit-déjeuner, partez pour une excursion d'une journée complète au village voisin de Sintra, déclaré site du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO pour son rôle dans le développement précoce de l'architecture romantique européenne. Explorez le Palais de Montserrate, déclaré "le premier et le plus beau lieu" au Portugal par le poète anglais Lord Byron. Le palais et ses jardins luxuriants reflètent l'harmonie et le faste de la haute société du XIXe siècle. L'intérieur et l'extérieur de ce magnifique palais reflètent une inspiration mauresque et affichent un travail détaillé en stuc, en carreaux et autres matériaux fins.
Après votre visite à cet endroit fascinant, conduisez jusqu'au centre de Sintra pour déjeuner dans un restaurant local et profiter d'un temps libre pour parcourir les nombreuses boutiques proposant des artisanats et des vins portugais avant de remonter dans votre autocar pour le voyage retour. Votre itinéraire vous fera traverser une réserve naturelle jusqu'à Cabo da Roca sur la côte atlantique, le point le plus occidental de l'Europe. De là, vous voyagerez le long de la route côtière pour retourner à Lisbonne. Le dîner est indépendant et à votre convenance.
Après le petit-déjeuner à l'hôtel, votre visite panoramique de Lisbonne commence par un arrêt au majestueux Monastère des Hiéronymites, où Vasco da Gama a passé sa dernière nuit avant d'embarquer pour son voyage vers l'Inde, et le plus bel exemple existant du style architectural portugais connu sous le nom de manuélin. Profitez d'un temps libre dans le quartier historique de Belém. Arrêtez-vous pour prendre des photos à la Tour de Belém du XVIe siècle, point de départ de nombreux explorateurs portugais, y compris da Gama.
Continuez vers le Musée Gulbenkian et explorez la collection privée unique d'art et d'objets provenant de diverses cultures et périodes historiques. Savourez un déjeuner local incluant du poisson morue - un aliment de base de la cuisine portugaise - et peut-être goûtez la célèbre tarte aux œufs, les Pasteis de Belém. Après le déjeuner, transfert au quai pour embarquer sur votre navire.
L'Hôtel Altis Avenida est un charmant hôtel-boutique avec un emplacement extraordinaire au centre de Lisbonne, sur la Praça dos Restauradores. L'architecture et la décoration s'inspirent des années 1940 et reposent sur le concept d'"urban chic", où passé et futur se rencontrent, créant une atmosphère de charme et de glamour. L'hôtel dispose de 123 chambres, d'un bar dans le hall et d'un restaurant gastronomique au dernier étage qui propose la cuisine du chef João Rodrigues.
Hôtel Altis Avenida
Rua 1° Dezembro, 120
1200-360 Lisbon
Téléphone : +351 210 440 000
Total TTC : 1 100 €
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager, en base occupation double.
Settled about 1100 BCE by Phoenicians, Cadiz is one of the oldest cities in Western Europe. It remains to this day an important port and an opening to the history and culture of southernmost Spain.
Your excursion begins with a picturesque walking tour from the pier to San Juan de Dios square, where you will witness the historic architecture of the town hall against a modern background of pedestrian walkways and palm-tree-lined fountains.
Continue through the Barrio del Pópulo, the heartbeat of the city and Cadiz’s old town. Considered one of the oldest neighborhoods in Europe, Pópulo was once home to Phoenicians, Punics, Romans, and Arabs alike.
Proceed to the Catedral de Cadiz for an outside visit to view the gold dome and exquisite Baroque façade. Construction of the cathedral began in 1722, when Cadiz was at the height of its power and one of the wealthiest ports in Western Europe, with gold and silver from the New World. Continue your walk through winding streets to the Plaza de las Flores and enjoy some free time to explore on your own.
Meet back up with your guide and pass by the lively Plaza San Francisco, home to the Convent of San Francisco, house of the Franciscans in Cadiz, founded in 1566. Continue to Plaza de la Mina, one of the most popular residential squares in Cadiz, and one of the historic gardens of the city.
End at the Flamenco La Cava, one of the city's premiere tablao, where you will be treated to an exciting performance of flamenco, replete with rhythmically tapping heels, clicking castanets, and the traditional rascado flourishes of the guitar. During the show, a full tapas style lunch will be served, the perfect enhancement to a quintessentially Spanish experience.
After lunch and the show, transfer back to the ship.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
Seville was shaped by a succession of civilizations — Roman, Moorish, Jewish, Christian — that alternately clashed violently and then found ways to coexist. The rich multicultural legacy of this mixing of traditions is found everywhere in the city. On this tour, you will discover two of Seville’s UNESCO World Heritage sites and experience the vitality of everyday life in this vibrant community.
As you traverse the rolling countryside from Cadiz to Seville, you will see a landscape of olive and orange groves and vineyards that have long supplied the city of Seville and that now export fine wines and oils around the world. You will also pass farms where Spain’s finest bulls and horses are bred.
Upon arrival in Seville, you will disembark your coach and enjoy a stroll through the charming Murillo Gardens, which lead the way to the royal compound of the Real Alcazar. This UNESCO World Heritage site, built in the Mudéjar style in the 14th century, is today a sprawling complex incorporating architectural influences from the Renaissance, Baroque and 19th century. Here you will discover lavish gardens, sparkling ponds and fountains, and fascinating ornamental details at every turn.
A short walk from the Alcazar is the UNESCO World Heritage Cathedral of Seville – the largest Gothic cathedral in the world and the site of Christopher Columbus’s tomb. The central nave rises 120 feet above the interior. La Giralda, built as a minaret for the city's chief mosque in the 12th century, now serves as the bell tower and a symbol of Seville.
After a lunch at a local restaurant featuring signature dishes, enjoy a walking tour and time at leisure exploring the Barrio de Santa Cruz. The city’s former Jewish quarter, the barrio is a labyrinth of narrow cobbled streets lined with orange trees and whitewashed buildings decorated with wrought-iron grilled windows.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
A panoramic drive north from Malaga through the towns and villages of central Andalusia brings you to Cordoba, located on the north bank of the Guadalquivir River about 80 miles east of Seville. A prosperous city under Roman rule, it became something of a boom town in the early Middle Ages when the Umayyad family made it the capital of the Caliphate of Cordoba. By the end of the 10th century, it was probably the largest city in Europe, with a population nearing 100,000. It was also a leading center of scholarship, helping to preserve the legacy of Greece and Rome for future generations.
Your visit to Cordoba begins with a tour of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of La Mezquita, an enormous 8th-century mosque that was converted to a Cathedral in the 13th century—a dazzling fusion of Islamic and Christian architecture that served as a model for much of the 'Moorish' architecture of southern Iberia and North Africa. From the Mosque-Cathedral it is a short walk to the Alcazar de los Reyes Cristianos, home to Ferdinand and Isabella for eight years during the Reconquista, and the site of their first meeting with Christopher Columbus. Continue your tour with a stroll through the labyrinth of narrow streets adorned with colorful flowers cascading from whitewashed balconies that is Cordoba's vibrant Jewish quarter, and visit its 14th-century synagogue.
At the end of the tour, sit down to a lunch of Andalusian tapas at a local restaurant, followed by some time at leisure to explore on your own before returning to Malaga and your ship.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
During this walking tour of Old Málaga, explore the incredible art and architecture of the birthplace city of Picasso, and discover his work during a visit to the Picasso Museum.
From the pier, start your guided walking tour to the Picasso Museum. En route, take a stroll through Málaga’s Old Town. Your first stop is Calle Larios, the main shopping street of Málaga. Next, cross the Plaza de la Constitución, walk along Calle Granada to the Plaza de la Merced. Then proceed to the highlight of the tour, the Picasso Museum of Málaga, or "Museo Picasso Málaga".
The Picasso Museum is permanently housed in the Palacio de Buenavista, a 16th century historical building that is adorned with the Andalusian architecture of the day, along with a unique blend of Renaissance and Mudéjar elements. Following your guided museum visit, proceed to a local restaurant for a snack of local tapas and wine. Return to the ship with your guide or enjoy some free time to explore on your own.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
This tour takes you to Granada to explore the incomparable Alhambra, built by caliphs of the Nasrid dynasty and recognized as the very pinnacle of Islamic architecture in the region.
Enjoy a drive through abundant olive orchards dotted with picturesque villages to the city of Granada, situated on a mesa in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada. From its founding by the Umayyad dynasty in the 8th century until 1492, Granada was the center of a civilization in which the three great monotheistic faiths worked side by side to build a society of tolerance, dialogue, and coexistence.
On arrival in Granada, a stroll through the city center ends at the majestic Cathedral, a remarkable combination of Baroque façade, Renaissance dome and Gothic floor plan. Admire the Cathedral from the outside, before entering the Royal Chapel. In the Cathedral’s Royal Chapel are the tombs of Ferdinand and Isabella, the Catholic Monarchs who brought an end to Islamic rule in Iberia.
A short drive brings you to lunch in a local restaurant before continuing to the Alhambra for an afternoon tour.
Although damaged and restored over the centuries, it is not difficult to picture the palace as it was 600 years ago. Enter the Alqala hamra ("red castle") and visit the Nazaries Palaces — a complex of buildings with intricately carved stucco walls, knotted ceilings, and charming courtyards. Discover the Serallo, the official residence of the Sultan and Harem, which surrounds the famous Patio de los Leones with its 12 lion fountains. Continue with a visit to the Generalife Palace and Gardens, built as a summer paradise for the Sultan.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
A short drive from the pier is the Fundació Miró Mallorca, a museum dedicated to the work of Joan Miró. In 1981, two years before the artist's death, he and his wife, Pilar, established the foundation to showcase Miró's work and to promote contemporary art in general. It is their gift to the city that served as their home after Miró's self-imposed exile from the mainland of Franco's Spain. The museum includes a main building that houses thousands of the artist's works, a library, a sculpture garden and Miró's studio, which fulfills his wish that everything be left behind "as it is the moment I disappear." Your visit will allow you to view works spanning the entire length of Miró's career, from 1908 to 1983.
After visiting the foundation, embark on a panoramic tour of the city of Palma, stopping briefly at the 14th-century Bellver Castle, which has towered over the city for over 700 years, serving variously as a royal residence, a Mint, and a prison. It is the only circular castle in Spain complete with round towers.
Arriving at the waterfront historic district, you stop at La Seu, Mallorca's cathedral and the second largest in Spain (after the one in Seville). The edifice took nearly four centuries to complete and boasts the magnificent Portal del Mirador, one of the finest examples of Gothic portals to be found anywhere. Your tour continues on foot as you discover the old town of Palma, whose narrow streets are home to fascinating buildings and interesting shops and cafés, where you will have time to browse and perhaps make a purchase.
The return drive to the pier is along the city ramparts, where you can see the fishing harbor, the former Merchandise Exchange of La Lonja and the Consulado del Mar, the seat of the Balearic Government.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
From the pier in Palma, drive about 45 minutes to Valldemossa, a picturesque town in the foothills of the Tramuntana mountains renowned for its artistic heritage. Upon arrival in Valldemossa, your local guide will lead you on a captivating exploration of the village's center. Wander through narrow cobbled streets, admire traditional Mallorcan architecture, and uncover the rich history that unfolds around every corner. You'll have the chance to learn about the village's most famous residents, including the composer Frederic Chopin and the writer George Sand, who found inspiration in Valldemossa's idyllic beauty.
We then take a short drive to Son Reus and board the vintage, narrow gauge Tren de Sóller to embark on a nostalgic journey through the heart of the Tramuntana. As the train winds its way through the valley, marvel at the breathtaking mountain scenery and soak in the fresh mountain air.
The carriages are made of wood, meticulously maintained by skilled craftsmen, and the scenery along the way is absolutely lovely. Originally built to transport the fruits of the orange and olive groves through which you pass, the train is now used by locals and tourists alike to get from the island's north coast to the capital city.
In addition to its scenic route, the Sóller railway also stands out for its engineering. To overcome the natural barrier of the Sierra de Alfàbia, the railway bed runs through thirteen tunnels ranging in length from 110 feet to 1.75 miles, crosses over several bridges, including the “cinc-ponts” viaduct which has five arches, and accomplishes a series of remarkably sharp turns.
You will disembark the train in Soller, a picturesque town in the foothills of the Tramuntana mountains and a popular summer retreat for writers and artists who are attracted by its tranquil setting, favorable light, and laid-back way of life. A guided tour will introduce you to the center of the town and its major attractions, after which you will have time at leisure to explore on your own or do some shopping.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
A short drive from the ship brings you to Marivent Gardens, on an estate used by the Spanish royal family in the summer. Opened to the public only in 2017, the gardens are beautifully designed and maintained, featuring a delightful variety of trees, shrubs and flowers and offering an opportunity to enjoy a leisurely stroll amid the tranquility. Dotted throughout the gardens are a dozen sculptures by Joan Miró donated to the park by the artist.
After visiting the gardens, you embark on a panoramic tour of the city of Palma, passing by the 14th-century Bellver Castle, which has towered over the city for over 700 years, serving variously as a royal residence, a Mint, and a prison, and the only circular castle in Spain complete with round towers. Arriving at the waterfront historic, you stop at La Seu, Mallorca's cathedral and the second largest in Spain (after the one in Seville). The edifice took nearly four centuries to complete and boasts the magnificent Portal del Mirador, one of the finest examples of Gothic portals to be found anywhere.
Your tour continues on foot as you discover the old town of Palma, whose narrow streets are home to fascinating buildings and interesting shops and cafés. Here you will have time to browse and perhaps make a purchase, before stopping at a local pastry shop to enjoy Mallorca's signature ensaïmada, a spiral shaped sweet bread, traditionally served plain with generous amounts of powdered sugar, but also available with a variety of fillings.
The return drive to the pier is along the city ramparts, where you can see the fishing harbor, the former Merchandise Exchange of La Lonja and the Consulado del Mar, the seat of the Balearic Government.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
Depart from the pier towards the Albufera National Park, a 50,000+ acre natural reserve, freshwater lagoon, and estuary located on the Gulf of Valencia coast and surrounded by wild pine forest. Once a saltwater lagoon but diluted by centuries of irrigation, the reserve is home to Spain’s largest lake and a paradise for migratory birds, nesting birds, and a variety of other species of plants and wildlife.
After a brief walk through the reserve, board a traditional wooden boat and enjoy a 45-minute cruise through the canals and estuaries, guided by a local fisherman who will share knowledge of the area's ecosystem and wildlife.
Disembark and enjoy a snack of traditional tapas before boarding your coach and returning to the pier.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
Begin your journey with a short walk through Valencia's Old Town to the UNESCO World Heritage La Lonja de la Seda, a masterpiece of late Gothic architecture. Built from 1482-1533, this group of buildings was originally used for silk trading. The grandiose Sala de Contratación displays the power and wealth of a major Mediterranean mercantile city in the 15th-16th centuries. Then, delve deeper into the city’s textile history with a visit to the Valencia Silk Museum, once the headquarters of the Velvet Weaver’s Guild.
Next, delve into the world of Las Fallas, Valencia's most celebrated festival, and a celebration of the coming of spring, cultural identity, social cohesion, and creativity. Explore the Las Fallas Museum, featuring massive, satirical sculptures called fallas as well as a photomontage exhibit that unveils the festival's origins and traditions.
Enjoy time to explore the city on your own or return to the ship for lunch and an afternoon at leisure.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
Begin in the heart of Valencia's Old Town at La Plaza de la Reina, the city's historic center. Your walking tour will visit the 13th-century Cathedral (outside only), built after the Reconquista on the site of a Roman temple that had been converted to an Arab mosque. This Gothic structure is home to what is said to be the Holy Grail, as well as paintings by Goya and Maella. Its bell tower, El Miguelete, is one of Valencia's most emblematic monuments.
Continue to the UNESCO World Heritage La Lonja de la Seda, a masterpiece of late Gothic architecture. Built from 1482-1533, this group of buildings was originally used for silk trading. The grandiose Sala de Contratación displays the power and wealth of a major Mediterranean mercantile city in the 15th-16th centuries.
Enjoy a paella lunch at a local restaurant. After lunch, visit Valencia's City of Arts and Sciences, the largest cultural-educational complex in Europe. Designed by the Valencian architect Santiago Calatrava, it comprises five buildings surrounded by landscaped gardens and waterworks, covering nearly 500 acres at the eastern end of the Turia Gardens. Tour the Palau de les Arts Reina Sofia, one of the five buildings. This impressive monument combines the architect's style with complex engineering and state of the art technology to enhance performances while bringing them closer to the public. This stunning building features four distinct specially-designed venues, one each for opera, dance, recitals, and theater.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
Catalonia enjoys one of the richest cultural heritages in Spain. This specially designed program introduces you to two very different elements of that heritage: the 12th-century Benedictine monastery on Montserrat and the modernist city of Barcelona.
Day 1 – Disembark | Barcelona, Spain
After breakfast aboard, disembark to join an excursion to the astonishing Monastery of Montserrat. A scenic drive through the countryside north of Barcelona brings you to a chain of serrated limestone mountains, where you board a cog railway for the steep climb up the mountain to the Benedictine monastery on a terrace near the summit. Your guided tour includes the ornate basilica, whose highlight is a wooden statue of the Virgin that has attracted pilgrims since the 12th century. You will also visit the museum, displaying pieces of art collected in the last century and containing important works of Monet, Rusiñol, Casas, and Picasso. Lunch will be served in the restaurant located in what were once the monastery's stables before you depart and drive to the hotel to check in. The remainder of the evening is at your leisure and dinner is on your own.
Day 2 – Barcelona, Spain
After breakfast at the hotel, join an excursion to the monuments and neighborhoods that define the extraordinary personality and vitality of Barcelona. Begin in the heart of the city with a visit to Antoni Gaudí's iconic Sagrada Familia. Begun in 1884 and still unfinished, this monument of spirituality awes and inspires visitors from around the world. Your guided tour will introduce you to Gaudí's vision and to the ongoing effort to achieve it. A short drive brings you to the Block of Discord to view Gaudí’s Casa Batlló and Puig i Cadafalch’s Casa Amatller, icons of modernist Barcelona. After enjoying lunch, a leisurely stroll along elegant Passeig de Gràcia brings you to Barrio Gótico, the oldest part of the city. Explore this enchanting neighborhood of narrow streets, home to Barcelona's great 14th-century Cathedral and Plaça Sant Jaume. Return to the hotel for the evening. Dinner is on your own.
Day 3 - Barcelona | Home
After breakfast at the hotel and check out, transfer to the airport for flights homeward.
Your hotel:
Your hotel, ME Barcelona, is a 5-star boutique hotel in Barcelona’s city center. It is only a few steps from Passeig de Gràcia, where you can find stylish shopping, restaurants, bars, and museums. The hotel itself houses a restaurant and a rooftop bar, a wellness and fitness center, a rooftop pool, and urban garden.
Your program includes:
Your program does not include:
Please note:
Hotel contact information:
ME Barcelona
C/ de Casp, 1-13, L'Eixample
08010 Barcelona
Telephone: +34 932 77 94 18
Total TTC : 1 200 €
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager, en base occupation double.