Cabine Deluxe Pont 3
10% Ponant Bonus
19 m²
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This cruise is part of a collection of PONANT themed voyages that are specially-tailored for English-speaking travelers who want to engage with the world. In addition to the usual elements of the PONANT experience, the listed price for these voyages includes transfers to and from the ship, talks and discussions aboard ship by world class experts, and a shore excursion or activity in each port of call that encourages guests to embrace the sights, sounds, tastes, and smells of the local environment and culture.
The Baltic Sea has been a thoroughfare of trade since the days of the Vikings. And for nearly as long, it has been a crucial arena of struggles for dominance in Europe—an important element in the strategic thinking of great powers from the Reformation and the Thirty Years War to World War II and the Cold War. Today, it is once again at the center of current events as Sweden and Finland join NATO after decades of neutrality and as the Baltic States are newly anxious about their independence.
As we visit the great cities that ring the shores of the Baltic, we will explore this history in a series of lectures and discussions with a decorated career foreign service officer and an award-winning journalist, and we will have the privilege of a specially arranged, exclusive presentation and discussion with former President of Poland and Nobel Peace Prize-laureate Lech Wałęsa while in Gdansk.
But these historic cities of the Baltic, of course, offer so much more. They are great cosmopolitan centers with vibrant cultures and a legacy of art and architecture that reflects a history rich in tradition. Sailing from Stockholm, whose lively old town showcases cobblestone streets lined with 17th- and 18th-century buildings, Le Lapérouse calls first in Helsinki. Internationally recognized for its striking Art Nouveau architecture, Finland's capital is also home to the UNESCO Heritage Site of Suomenlinna, a massive military installation that protected the city during the 18th and 19th centuries.
During the next two days of the voyage, you encounter two more UNESCO designated sites. Tallinn's Old Town, a prominent trading center in the 13th century, retains remarkably well-preserved ramparts, public buildings, merchant houses, and warehouses. And on Gotland—the largest island in the Baltic Sea and the site of Viking treasure—the beautifully preserved medieval town of Visby, also once a stronghold for the Hanseatic League, invites exploration of both of these legacies.
Gdansk, whose shipyard served as the birthplace of the Solidarity Trade Union in 1980, is where we meet with former President Lech Wałęsa and hear the story of the wave of dissent that arose from the Solidarity movement and led to Polish independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. The Old Town, lovingly restored after the ravages of WWII, is a reminder of the town's proud 1000-year-old history of ship-building.
The Danish Island of Bornholm is known throughout the Baltic region for its lush farmland and rich herring fisheries and for the ruins of the medieval fortress of Hammershus and four well-preserved Nordic round churches. And the Danish capital of Copenhagen, a thoroughly modern and sophisticated city, is also proud to display its 800 years of royal history in Christiansborg Palace, which houses the Danish Parliament, and Amalienborg Palace, the winter residence of the Queen.
Le Lapérouse's last port of call is the lively Swedish harbor town of Gothenburg, whose stunning Museum of Fine Arts includes works by Carl Larsson, Edvard Munch, Anders Zorn, Van Gogh, Picasso, Chagall, and Monet. Your voyage comes to an end in Fredrikstad, a port city near the mouth of Oslo’s Oslofjord.
Ref : SF1045US - ER150725
A voyage specially-tailored for English-speaking travelers including discussions with experts, transfers before and after your cruise, and an included excursion in each port of call. Engaging discussions...
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*Tarif minimum par passager, en base occupation double. La catégorie de cabine correspondant à ce tarif peut n’être plus disponible.
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Tenue idéale pour la vie à bord :
Durant les journées passées à bord, il vous est conseillé de porter des vêtements confortables ou des tenues décontractées. L’ensemble du navire étant climatisé, un pull fin, une veste légère ou un châle peuvent vous être nécessaires. Pour vos déplacements dans les espaces publics et sur les ponts du navire, privilégiez des chaussures légères mais confortables.
Soirée informelle :
Le soir, il vous est conseillé de porter une tenue de ville élégante, en particulier lors des dîners dans nos restaurants où le port de short et tee-shirt n’est pas autorisé.
Pour les femmes :
Pour les hommes :
Soirée des officiers :
Pour toutes les croisières de plus de 8 nuits, une Soirée des Officiers sur le thème « Soirée Blanche » pourra être organisée. Par conséquent, nous vous incitons à prévoir pour l’occasion une tenue de ville élégante blanche (à défaut noire et blanche).
Soirée de gala :
Lors de nos croisières, deux soirées de gala sont organisées à bord. Aussi, nous vous recommandons de prévoir une ou deux tenues plus formelles.
Pour les femmes :
Pour les hommes :
Une boutique est ouverte durant les moments de navigation proposant une large gamme de tenues, bijoux, maroquinerie et de nombreux accessoires.
Nous vous informons qu’un service de blanchisserie (nettoyage - repassage) existe à bord, mais il n’est pas en mesure de vous proposer un nettoyage à sec. Pour des raisons de sécurité, votre cabine n’est pas équipée d’un fer à repasser.
Dans le sac qui ne vous quittera pas, pensez à emporter les médicaments dont vous avez besoin, et éventuellement un petit nécessaire de toilette et de rechange (en cas de retard dans la livraison de votre bagage par la compagnie aérienne). Assurez-vous d’avoir toujours avec vous les documents de voyage dont vous pourriez avoir besoin : voucher d’hôtel, voucher de croisière, billets de vol retour… Ne les laissez jamais dans vos bagages enregistrés en soute.
Toutes nos cabines disposent d’un coffre. Nous vous recommandons de ne pas descendre à terre avec vos bijoux de valeur.
Activités PONANT
Embarquement 15/07/2025 de 16:00 à 17:00
Départ 16/07/2025 à 13:00
La capitale de la Suède occupe un archipel dans l’est du pays, au confluent du lac Mälar et de la mer Baltique. Dans Gamla stan, la « vieille ville » en suédois, profitez d'une balade dans les pittoresques ruelles médiévales jusqu’au majestueux Palais royal. Sur l’île verdoyante de Djurgården, vous pourrez visiter plusieurs espaces culturels très différents : le musée Vasa se consacre à un trois-mâts du XVIIe siècle, l’écomusée de Skansen présente les coutumes d’autrefois et le musée ABBA est dédié au groupe pop éponyme. Pour bénéficier d’un panorama insolite sur Stockholm, empruntez le SkyView, dont les nacelles vitrées gravissent les parois sphériques de l’Ericsson Globe.
Arrivée 17/07/2025 en milieu de journée
Départ 17/07/2025 en soirée
Sise tout au sud de la Finlande et établie sur une presqu’île, Helsinki vous proposera le dynamisme d’une capitale cosmopolite qui n’a pas voulu choisir entre élégance et pittoresque. Vous pourrez parcourir son centre historique, où les bâtiments néoclassiques aux teintes douces se mêlent à de spectaculaires édifices modernes. Le quartier animé de Kallio abrite de nombreuses boutiques et des restaurants où vous pourrez goûter des spécialités locales comme le graavilohi, un saumon mariné, sucré et aromatisé. Le parc central, Keskuspuisto en finnois, à quelques pas du centre, pourra être l’occasion d’un moment de détente.
Arrivée 18/07/2025 en début de matinée
Départ 18/07/2025 en milieu de journée
Ouverte sur la mer Baltique, à l’extrême nord de l’Estonie, la ville de Tallinn vous séduira par le charme pittoresque de son architecture. Vous pourrez flâner le long des ruelles de son cœur médiéval orné de son hôtel de ville, un bâtiment gothique achevé en 1404. La tour Kiek in de Kök, la cathédrale orthodoxe Alexandre Nevski, ou bien encore le château de Toompea offrent un aperçu du riche passé de la cité. Ancien poste clé de la Ligue hanséatique, Tallinn regorge de trésors et de secrets. Durant votre escale, ne manquez pas de vous perdre au cœur de cette ville classée au patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco et laissez la magie opérer.
Arrivée 19/07/2025 en début de matinée
Départ 19/07/2025 en milieu de journée
Cette ancienne cité hanséatique se situe sur la côte ouest de Gotland, île suédoise dans la mer Baltique. Par delà les remparts, la vieille ville classée au patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco vous révèlera de riches demeures de marchands, ainsi que de charmantes ruelles bordées de maisons basses en bois. Ne manquez pas d'admirer la cathédrale Sainte-Marie, aux tourelles à bulbes, ainsi que la tour de la Poudre, le long des fortifications. Vous n’oublierez pas de faire une halte dans l’un des cafés fleuris de roses, fleur reine de la ville, pour y goûter à la spécialité de l’île, des crêpes safranées aux fruits rouges.
Arrivée 20/07/2025 en début de matinée
Départ 20/07/2025 en début de soirée
Cette ravissante cité de la mer Baltique porte le surnom de « porte d’or de la Pologne », comme en témoigne sa belle architecture hanséatique. Vous serez charmé par les moulures et les pignons rehaussant les façades colorées des maisons. Le long des quais de la Vistule, vous flânerez aussi avec plaisir parmi les boutiques d’artisanat. Dans l’élégante rue Mariacka, ce sont les bijouteries d’ambre qui sauront vous tenter. Vous pourrez visiter par la même occasion l’église Sainte-Marie et son horloge astronomique. Tout près, la majestueuse place du Long-Marché vous fera découvrir le célèbre palais Artus Court et le riche Musée historique de Gdansk.
Arrivée 21/07/2025 en milieu de journée
Départ 21/07/2025 en début de soirée
Ancré au sud-ouest de la mer Baltique, le village médiéval de Gudhjem, sur l’île Bornholm, compte parmi les villages les plus visités et les plus populaires du Danemark. Au détour de ses ruelles pittoresques, laissez-vous séduire par les paysages variés, la douceur de vivre et l’authenticité de cette charmante bourgade aux maisons à colombages et aux toits rouges, typiques des habitations traditionnelles danoises. C’est ici, dans ces allées pittoresques, qu’au milieu du XIXe siècle furent construits les premiers fumoirs à hareng, attirant alors tous les pêcheurs de la région. Préservée dans un véritable écrin naturel, composé de falaises rocheuses, forêts touffues et plages de sable blanc, Gudhjem vous offrira une parenthèse inoubliable, durant laquelle le temps semblera suspendu.
Arrivée 22/07/2025 en début de matinée
Départ 22/07/2025 en début de soirée
Rattachée à l’extrémité orientale de l’île de Seeland, à quelques kilomètres des côtes suédoises, Copenhague vous offrira toute la couleur des capitales scandinaves. Vous pourrez découvrir ses richesses grâce aux canaux qui sillonnent les quartiers historiques de Christiansborg et de Nyhavn. De nombreux palais vous donneront un aperçu de l’histoire danoise. Côté gastronomie, vous pourrez goûter au smorrebrod, traditionnelles tartines danoises agrémentées de charcuterie, fromage ou poissons fumés.
Arrivée 23/07/2025 en début de matinée
Départ 23/07/2025 en fin d'après-midi
Nichée sur la côte ouest suédoise, à la jonction du fleuve Göta älv et de la baie de Cattégat, Göteborg séduit, surprend. Authentique et accueillante, la cité aux canaux bordés de nombreux espaces verts, possède un riche passé maritime, faisant d’elle la première ville portuaire de Suède. Au-delà de son influence commerciale, « la capitale culturelle de Scandinavie » est le parfait mélange entre monuments historiques, architecture néoclassique et écoquartiers aux espaces urbains modernes. Dans le quartier d’Haga, découvrez des boutiques de mode hippies chics et des cafés bohèmes, au rez-de-chaussée de maisons traditionnelles en bois. Sur les hauteurs de la ville, laissez-vous séduire par l’église luthérienne de Masthugget, somptueux édifice du XVIIIe siècle.
Arrivée 24/07/2025 en début de matinée
Débarquement 24/07/2025 à 08:00
Nichée sur les rives de l'estuaire de la Glomma, Fredrikstad séduit par son riche patrimoine historique, ses canaux pittoresques et son ambiance chaleureuse. Fondée en 1567, la veille ville fortifiée garde encore les traces de son riche passé. Laissez-vous séduire par ses ruelles pavées bordées d’anciens bâtiments traditionnels en bois, de boutiques et de cafés animés et découvrez aussi les remparts, excellemment préservés, édifiés il y a près de cinq siècles. Les amateurs de nature apprécieront aussi les magnifiques sentiers de randonnée le long du fjord d'Oslo et les îles environnantes, à l’instar de Hankø avec entre autres ses plages idylliques et ses plaines verdoyantes.
This tour introduces you to the splendors of the Royal Palace at Drottningholm, the first location in Sweden to be designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Your excursion begins with a drive through Stockholm's western suburbs to the island of Lovön on Lake Mälaren to reach Drottningholm. Designed by Nicodemus Tessin the Elder using Louis XIV's Versailles as a model, construction of the palace began in 1662 and was completed 20 years later, along with a Baroque French garden, under the guidance of Nicodemus Tessin the Younger. Considered the best-preserved example of an 18th century palatial setting in Sweden, it was added to the UNESCO list in 1991. Your tour of the palace includes the magnificently decorated State Apartments and the Reception Halls, displaying works of some of the finest artists of the late 17th-century. Following the tour, you will have time at leisure to explore the grounds on your own, strolling through the formal French Garden, or visiting the Royal Gift Shop.
Rejoin your motorcoach for a panoramic drive around the island of Lovön, and enjoy pleasant landscapes of the surrounding rural environment and of Lake Mälaren, before returning to Stockholm and your ship.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
Founded in 980 CE by the Viking, Erik the Victorious, Sigtuna is a town of important firsts—the first capital of Sweden, the country's first Christian town, site of the oldest main street, and so on. It is also one of the most attractive small villages you will encounter anywhere in the world.
Begin with a 30-mile drive through the picturesque countryside north of Stockholm to reach the town of Sigtuna, built on the shores of Lake Mälaren. Stroll narrow alleyways lined with charming wooden houses and visit the smallest Town Hall in Scandinavia, dating to 1744 and crafted entirely of wood. As the original center Christianity in Sweden, Sigtuna is home to ruins of a number of medieval churches and one that remains active— St Mary's, built by Dominican Friars in the 13th century and serving as the parish church since the time of the Protestant Reformation.
At the end of your guided tour, enjoy time at leisure in this idyllic small town, perhaps coming across one or more of the 170 runestones that populate the area.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
One of the first things people think of when they think of Stockholm is the Nobel Prize Ceremony, held every December 10, when the world's most prestigious awards are presented to the winners in five areas of intellectual achievement: physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, and economics. (The sixth prize, the Nobel Peace Prize, is presented in a separate ceremony in Oslo). This excursion surveys the history of the prizes and visits the venue in which they are presented.
Begin with a drive to Stockholm's Gamla Stan (Old Town), for a docent-led tour of the Nobel Prize Museum. Located in the Stockholm Stock Exchange Building, the museum was opened in 2001 on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the prizes. Its mission is to honor "the Nobel laureates and their achievements, as well the Nobel Prize and Alfred Nobel." Here you can explore the work and ideas of more than 900 creative minds presented through short films and interactive displays in the "Cultures of Creativity" exhibition—an intriguing lens through which to view the 20th century and the early years of the 21st.
From the museum, travel to the Stockholm Concert Hall, where the Nobel Prize Ceremony takes place every year. A specially curated tour focuses on the arrangements and protocols surrounding the ceremony and ends with a visit to the Great Hall, where the winners receive their medals.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
This excursion, focused on some of the most important design and architecture of a city famous for being avant garde, begins with a visit to Hvitträsk, the birthplace and former home of Finnish architect Eero Saarinen. Saarinen's best-known projects were actually realized in the United States and include the old TWA Terminal at JFK Airport, the St. Louis Arch, and Washington DC'S Dulles Airport. A guided tour through Saarinen's magnificent home, built in 1902 and constructed of nature stone and logs, is followed time at leisure to explore the fascinating exhibits of Finnish arts and crafts or to walk the forested grounds.
On your return to Helsinki, drive along Mannerheim Street, the main thoroughfare, where you will pass by Olympic Stadium, venue for the 1952 Helsinki Olympics, the Opera House, Parliament House, the National Museum and the Finlandia Hall Concert & Convention Center designed by architect Alvar Aalto. Continue to Temppeliaukio Church. Carved from the bedrock, the interior walls are created naturally by the rock, hence its nickname the 'Rock Church'. Because of its excellent acoustics, the church is a popular venue for concerts.
After your visit to the church, drive to Senate Square, undoubtedly one of the most beautiful urban squares in the world. It is dominated by four buildings designed by Carl Ludvig Engel in the early 19th century: Helsinki Cathedral, the Government Palace, the main building of the University of Helsinki, and the National Library of Finland. From Senate Square, walk to the lively Market Place, where you will discover the real heart of Helsinki and enjoy free time browsing the shops and stalls and tasting local foods, before returning to the ship.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
From the Market Square, board a local ferry to Suomenlinna Island, one of the group of islands that guards the sea approach to Helsinki. The island is home to a major monument of military architectural history, added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1991.
Construction of the Fortress began during the period of Swedish rule, expanded under the Russian Imperial Government in the 19th century, and was taken over by the Finnish when they achieved independence in 1918 and renamed the massive structure Suomenlinna, the "Castle of Finland."
In the heyday of its operations, in the 18th and 19th centuries, the fortress was compared with the maritime fortifications of Gibraltar. Its military shipyard was one of the largest dry docks in the world and a major center of naval architectural expertise. In the 1960s the fort was decommissioned from most military uses, but it remains the site of the Finnish Naval Academy.
Your guide will lead you on a walking tour of the island, after which you will have some time at leisure back on the mainland in Market Square, perhaps to enjoy a coffee and pastry.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
From the pier, drive towards Sibelius Park, named after Finland's greatest composer Jean Sibelius on his 80th birthday in 1945. Here you can view the Sibelius Monument designed by Eila Hiltunen.
Proceed to Temppeliaukio Church. Built from the natural bedrock, it is one of Helsinki's most popular tourist attractions. The interior walls are created naturally by the rock, hence its nickname the Rock Church. The church was opened in 1969, and due to its excellent acoustics, the church is a popular venue for concerts.
After the visit, drive to Senate Square; it is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful urban squares in the world. The square is dominated by four buildings designed by Carl Ludvig Engel between 1822 and 1852: Helsinki Cathedral, the Government Palace, the main building of the University of Helsinki, and the National Library of Finland.
Next, walk down from Senate Square to the very lively Market Place. Here, discover the real heart of Helsinki and enjoy free time walking around and tasting local foods. Re-board the coach for the return drive to the pier and ship.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
Tallinn is a wonderfully preserved city whose Old Town is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Start your guided walking tour in the Upper Town with its watch towers, graceful spires and winding, cobbled streets, with wonderful views of the red gabled roofs and spires of the Lower Town. See the Russian Orthodox Church, inaugurated in 1900, and the 13th-century Gothic style Dome Cathedral, and then continue to the castle, which is now the seat of Estonia's Parliament. Here you will meet with a Member of Parliament for an exchange of views on matters of current interest.
Your tour continues as you follow your guide down Long and Short Leg Streets for a walking tour of the Lower Town. Among the highlights you will see are the medieval apothecary, which opened in 1422, the Great Guild House, Holy Ghost Church, and the 15th-century Gothic Town Hall. On the grounds of the Dominican Convent is a colorful market, St. Catherine's arts and crafts center, where you may enjoy some free time before rejoining the coach and returning to the pier.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
Depart the pier and drive through the city center towards Kadriorg Park, the central park of Tallinn, founded in the early 18th century by Peter the Great. The centerpiece of the park is the Castle, whose main hall is probably the best example of Baroque architecture in Estonia. Explore the castles and the surrounding gardens, which were designed by the Italian architect, Michetti, to resemble those of Versailles.
Continue to the Memorial to the Victims of Communism, opened in 2018 and dedicated to those who were murdered, deported, and imprisoned by the Communist regime from 1940 to 1991. During this time, Estonia lost nearly 1 in 5 of their population to the terror imposed by the regime. The somber but beautiful memorial consists of two parts: the Journey, consisting of a walkway between two walls displaying the names of those who perished, and the Home Garden, with informational texts of where terror was carried out.
End with a drive to the Old Town for a walking tour. See all of the most important sites of the Upper and Lower Towns, including Toompea Castle, Nevsky Cathedral, the Great Guild House, Holy Ghost Church, a medieval Apothecary, and Town Hall. End with free time in the city center before returning to the pier.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
Visby, once a stronghold of the Hanseatic League, is a beautifully preserved medieval town, proud of its heritage and anxious to share it with visitors.
Your tour begins with a drive to an area just north of Visby town called Galgberget (“Gallows Hill”), a nature reserve high on a limestone cliff providing beautiful views of the town below and the sea beyond. At the edge of the cliff, three stone pillars stand in a circle—the ruins of a 13th-century gallows, where local criminals were executed. Here, you will also find the ruins of a limestone kiln, remnants of the time when stone from this area was used to build Visby's walls.
Board your motorcoach for a panoramic drive to the former harbor of Almedalen, now a public park. Your walking tour of Almedalen includes Visby’s oldest building, the Powder Tower, erected in the 12th century to defend the harbor. Stroll through the Fisherman’s Gate of the town’s defensive wall to the Botanical Garden Park, which displays many rare plants and is particularly known for its roses.
On the return to Visby, stop on a bridge over the town’s moat, which, though it stretches nearly two miles, has never been filled with water. Your coach will leave you at historic Dalmans Gate, where your walking tour resumes among the cozy alleyways of old Visby. Visit St. Mary’s Cathedral, built by German merchants at the end of the 11th century and still in use today, before exploring the Gotland Museum, noted for its extensive collections, reflecting 8,000 years of local history. Exhibits include unique Iron Age picture stones and gold and silver treasures from the Middle Ages, testifying to Visby's wealth during the period of the Hanseatic League's control of Baltic trade.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
This excursion into the medieval past of Gdansk begins at the Blue Lamb Granary, a branch of the Archaeological Museum of Gdansk which has been responsible for the careful reconstruction of the only remaining Granary from a time when Gdansk was at the center of trade in grains throughout the Baltic region. The Blue Lamb is important both for the building itself and for the exhibits within that chronicle aspects of the city's past.
Although the Old Town of Gdansk was devastated during World War II, it has been completely and lovingly restored to its former glory as a splendid collection of buildings and monuments designed in a mix of Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque styles. Your guided tour here follows the royal route from Green Gate on the banks of the Motlawa River along Long Street to Long Market, home to townhouses that span 400 years. Continue past the Main Town Hall, Artus Court, once the center of commercial activity in the city, and the iconic symbol of Gdansk—the Neptune Fountain. You will find yourself on St. Mary Street, perhaps the liveliest place in the city, with its quaint shops and lovely terraced buildings, where you will have time at leisure to shop for amber jewelry, artwork, and souvenirs of every kind, before regrouping to visit the Old Brewery (Brovarnia Gdansk). Here you will see how the local beer is made using only natural products, and you will be invited to sample some of the results while enjoying a marvelous view over the city from the Beer Terrace.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
This excursion focuses on the important role Gdansk played in the 1980s as the center of the Solidarity movement that helped pave the way to Poland's withdrawal from the Warsaw Pact in 1990. But it also affords ample time in the Old Town to get a sense of the rich history of this 1,000-year-old city.
You begin with a short drive to the European Solidarity Centre, opened in 2014 as a monument to, and a center for the study of, Polish resistance to Soviet Communist authority in the post-WWII world. While most of the exhibition is devoted to the history of the "Solidarity" movement led by Lech Walesa, it also covers earlier episodes of challenges to authoritarian rule and tells the story of the ultimate emergence of the Third Polish Republic. Following your guided tour through this impressive place, transfer to the center of Gdansk and the Old Town.
Although the Old Town of Gdansk was devastated during World War II, it has been completely and lovingly restored to its former glory as a splendid collection of buildings and monuments designed in a mix of Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque styles. Follow the royal route from Green Gate on the banks of the Motlawa River along Long Street to Long Market, home to townhouses that span 400 years. Continue past the Main Town Hall, Artus Court, once the center of commercial activity in the city, and the iconic symbol of Gdansk—the Neptune Fountain. You will find yourself on St. Mary Street, perhaps the liveliest place in the city, with its quaint shops and lovely terraced buildings, where you will have time at leisure to shop for amber jewelry, artwork, and souvenirs of every kind before returning to the harbor and your ship.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
From the pier in Gudhjem, a short drive to the northern tip of the island brings you to the village of Allinge, where your first stop on this panoramic tour of Bornholm is at Hammershus Castle Ruin, the largest castle ruin in Northern Europe. The oldest part of the castle was built in the early 12th century to consolidate the power of the Archbishopric of Lund (then part of Denmark) and obtained through an agreement with the Danish king. For the next 500 years Hammershus was rebuilt and expanded by the various rulers of the island, until it was finally abandoned in 1743. Enjoy a magnificent view of the ruins and explore the Visitor Center where you can learn more about the castle and the kings who ruled the island.
Travel south along the coast to reach Ronne, the largest city on the island and its capital. Your guide will provide an orientation as you walk to the town center, followed by time on your own to explore the quiet cobblestone streets lined with colorful timbered houses.
Leaving Ronne, drive across the island, pausing at the famous Oesterlars Roundchurch, built in the middle of the 12th century, and one of four round churches located on Bornholm (fully half of all the round churches in Denmark). From here it is only a short drive back to Gudhjem, where your coach will let you off at the top of the town so that you can follow your guide downhill through the narrow streets of the village and past the local hard candy and caramel factory before you reach the pier to tender back to your ship.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
From the pier in Gudhjem, a short drive to the northern tip of the island brings you to the village of Allinge, where your first stop on this panoramic tour of Bornholm is at Hammershus Castle Ruin, the largest castle ruin in Northern Europe. The oldest part of the castle was built in the early 12th century to consolidate the power of the Archbishopric of Lund (then part of Denmark) and obtained through an agreement with the Danish king. For the next 500 years Hammershus was rebuilt and expanded by the various rulers of the island, until it was finally abandoned in 1743. Enjoy a magnificent view of the ruins and explore the Visitor Center where you can learn more about the castle and the kings who ruled the island.
From Hammershus, travel inland through the forest to Oesterlars Roundchurch, built in the middle of the 12th century, and one of four round churches located on Bornholm (fully half of all the round churches in Denmark). You will tour the interior of the church, provided no religious services are scheduled.
From the world of kings and prelates to the lives of rural farmers, your final stop is at Melstedgaard Agricultural Museum on the outskirts of Gudhjem. The open-air portion of the museum recreates the world of farming in a much earlier time with interactive exhibits where you can learn about farming and about Bornholm's history as an agricultural center. Enjoy a refreshment and browse through “Skafferiet," a shop that features goods and produce from around the island.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
The island of Bornholm is famous throughout Denmark for its culinary specialties. This excursion is designed to allow you to sample a number of them and discover for yourself the reason for Bornholm's fame.
Begin with a drive from Gudhjem to the fishing village of Svaneke, the easternmost point in Denmark. Visit Svaneke Brewhouse, a 100% organic microbrewery, where you are invited to sample from its wide range of craft beers, followed by some time to browse in the village shops offering artisanal crafts and local delicacies. Of special interest are the ice cream and chocolate shops.
Leaving Svaneke, drive inland to pause at the famous Oesterlars Roundchurch, built in the middle of the 12th century, and one of four round churches located on Bornholm (fully half of all the round churches in Denmark). Reaching the northern tip of the island, stop in the town of Allinge, where you continue your culinary exploration with a visit to a local smoke house for a tasting of smoked herring served in the way the locals enjoy it, with chives, radishes and rye bread accompanied by a cold drink of your choice.
Returning to Gudhjem, your coach will let you off at the top of the town so that you can follow your guide downhill through the narrow streets if the village and past the local hard candy and caramel factory before you reach the pier to tender back to your ship.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
Denmark, like other Scandinavian countries, prides itself on offering a high standard of living for many of its citizens and an extensive range of social and economic services for all. This excursion begins with a short drive to the Odd Fellows Mansion in historic Frederiksstaden, where a local scholar delivers a lecture outlining Danish history and explaining how Denmark came to be known around the worlds for its social safety net. Titled "From Peasant to Present," the lecture chronicles the major events in Danish history that transformed a state where farmers and peasants had virtually no rights and owed most of their income to kings and nobles into a society where six weeks of paid holiday is standard, where nine months of maternity or paternity leave is normal, and where education is free. Following the lecture, walk to Amalienborg Palace, literally just around the corner from the Odd Fellows Mansion. Amalienborg is the official residence of the King, Queen, and Queen Mother, and you are free to stroll through the simple but elegant Palace Square.
Continue to Christiansborg Palace, once home to kings and queens and now the seat of the Danish Parliament, the Royal Reception Rooms, and the Supreme Court. It is also the place where Denmark displays memorabilia of its 800 years of royal history, some of which will be familiar to you from the lecture. A highlight of your visit will be the Great Hall which displays Her Royal Highness Queen Margrethe II's tapestries. Presented to the Queen in 1990 on the occasion of her 50th birthday, the eleven tapestries tell the story of 1000 years of Danish history.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
Denmark, like other Scandinavian countries, prides itself on offering a high standard of living for many of its citizens and an extensive range of social and economic services for all. This excursion begins with a short drive to the Odd Fellows Mansion in historic Frederiksstaden, where a local scholar delivers a lecture outlining Danish history and explaining how Denmark came to be known around the world for its social safety net. Titled "From Peasant to Present," the lecture chronicles the major events in Danish history that transformed a state where farmers and peasants had virtually no rights and owed most of their income to kings and nobles into a society where six weeks of paid holiday is standard, where nine months of maternity or paternity leave is normal, and where education is free. Following the lecture, walk to Amalienborg Palace, literally just around the corner from the Odd Fellows Mansion. Amalienborg is the official residence of the King, Queen, and Queen Mother, and you are free to stroll through the simple but elegant Palace Square.
Rejoin your motorcoach for a panoramic drive through the city of Copenhagen, passing landmarks, many of which are the work of the royals and politicians you learned about in the lecture. Then, leaving the city, follow the coastline to the south and east to reach the town of Dragør, said to be the best kept village environment in Denmark. Tour the cobblestoned old town of well-preserved yellow houses with red roofs built in traditional Danish style, and hear the story of the Dutch farmers who were invited here by King Christian II to improve the productivity of the land. On the return to your ship, pass through Ørestad, an experimental community combining new age architecture with a deep commitment to sustainability.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
Gothenburg, Sweden's second-largest city, is known for a number of things. It is, for example, the world headquarters of Volvo and the site of the largest amusement park in Scandinavia. But it is also known as the center of a booming fishing industry on the islands north and west of the city.
Driving north from Gothenburg, you pass through the historical town of Kungälv, site of the impressive ruins of Bohus Fortress, dating to the 14th century, when it was built to defend what was then the border between Sweden and Norway. Continue to Stenungsund, where you pause for a view of the beautiful Tjörn Bridge that spans the Askerö Fjord, and then cross to the island of Tjörn. Stop in the old fishing village of Klädesholmen, a long-time center of the herring industry, for a guided walking tour of the town, and then continue to the main town of Skärhamn, where the shipping industry employs some 2,000 people, half of the total population. It is here that you will sample herring pickled in Klädesholmen, and enjoy some time at leisure before returning to Gothenburg and your ship.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
Gothenburg, Sweden's second-largest city, is known for a number of things. It is, for example, the world headquarters of Volvo and the site of the largest amusement park in Scandinavia. But it is perhaps best known as the gateway to the stunningly beautiful islands off of Sweden's west coast.
This excursion to Öckerö, an archipelago just west of the city, begins with a scenic drive to the coastal town of Lilla Varholmen, where you board a ferry for the short ride to the island chain. At the Öckerö folklore center, enjoy a coffee and a pastry as you look out over an array of fishing boats, boathouses, and charming fishing huts. Your exploration continues with visits to the islands of Fotö and Hönö, where a guided walking tour leads you through a typical fishing village of rustic huts built on the edges of a granite landscape. You will also have some free time here to browse on your own before returning to Gothenburg and your ship.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
Une offre complète
Art de vivre à la française, (ou atmosphère décontractée sur Le Paul Gauguin), service attentionné, cuisine raffinée, activités, espaces bien-être : laissez-vous porter, au fil de l'eau, entre moments de détente, d'aventure et de découverte, grâce à toutes les prestations qui vous sont réservées.
¹Hors boissons premium à la carte.
²Le service majordome est disponible pour les suites suivantes : Le Boréal, L'Austral, Le Soléal et Le Lyrial : toutes les suites sur le pont 6 ; Les PONANT Explorers : Suites de l'Armateur, Suites Grand Deluxe, Suites Privilège et Suites Prestige sur le pont 6 ; Le Commandant Charcot : Suite de l'Armateur, Suites Duplex, Suites Privilège et Suites Prestige ; Le Paul Gauguin : Suites de l'Armateur, Grandes Suites, Suites Véranda A et Cabines Véranda B.
PONANT has organized the following included program for you, which starts the day of embarkation.
Included Features:
Not included:
À bord de votre navire, un conférencier francophone vous propose un éclairage culturel et historique pour approfondir votre connaissance de la destination : origine des traditions locales, histoire des sites emblématiques, évocation de personnages célèbres et des grandes épopées historiques…. Lors de conférences à bord ou de vos sorties à terre, cet expert vous accompagnera tout au long de votre croisière PONANT pour partager avec vous son précieux savoir.
Nos prestations complémentaires
Enhance your cruise and extend your trip with a specially designed program.
Day 1 - Stockholm, Sweden
Arrive at Stockholm Arlanda Airport. You will be met at the exit of the Arrivals hall. Look for the PONANT sign or a sign with your name on it. Transfer from the airport to the Hotel Diplomat (or similar) and check in. Official check-in time is 3:00 p.m.
A local representative will be present at the hospitality desk in the afternoon to welcome you and answer any questions you may have.
Join your fellow travelers for a welcome cocktail reception this evening. An independent dinner is at your leisure.
Day 2 - Stockholm | Embarkation
Enjoy breakfast at the hotel. After check-out, visit the Vasa Museum, which features the 17th-century Vasa warship, rescued from the bottom of the sea after 333 years and lovingly restored. Next, depart on an excursion that explores Stockholm's Gamla Stan (Old Town). After viewing the Royal Palace and the 13th-century Storkyrkan (outside only), enjoy an included lunch at a local restaurant and some free time to shop and explore on your own. Then, take a guided tour of City Hall, the site of the annual Nobel Prize banquet. Transfer to the ship for embarkation and take in the views as you sail through the Stockholm Archipelago.
Your hotel:
The Hotel Diplomat is a 5-star property located in Strandvägen in the city center of Stockholm. The cobblestone streets of the picturesque Gamla Stan, or Old Town, are a short stroll from the hotel. World-class shopping and City Hall, home of the annual Nobel Prize ceremony, are also within easy walking distance. The hotel boasts 130 guest rooms and suites decorated in a bright Scandinavian palette with thoughtful modern conveniences.
Your program includes:
Your program does not include:
Please note:
Hotel contact information:
Hotel Dipolmat
Strandvägen 7C
114 56 Stockholm
Telephone: +46 8 459 68 00
Total TTC : 975 €
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager, en base occupation double.
This tour introduces you to the splendors of the Royal Palace at Drottningholm, the first location in Sweden to be designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Your excursion begins with a drive through Stockholm's western suburbs to the island of Lovön on Lake Mälaren to reach Drottningholm. Designed by Nicodemus Tessin the Elder using Louis XIV's Versailles as a model, construction of the palace began in 1662 and was completed 20 years later, along with a Baroque French garden, under the guidance of Nicodemus Tessin the Younger. Considered the best-preserved example of an 18th century palatial setting in Sweden, it was added to the UNESCO list in 1991. Your tour of the palace includes the magnificently decorated State Apartments and the Reception Halls, displaying works of some of the finest artists of the late 17th-century. Following the tour, you will have time at leisure to explore the grounds on your own, strolling through the formal French Garden, or visiting the Royal Gift Shop.
Rejoin your motorcoach for a panoramic drive around the island of Lovön, and enjoy pleasant landscapes of the surrounding rural environment and of Lake Mälaren, before returning to Stockholm and your ship.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
Founded in 980 CE by the Viking, Erik the Victorious, Sigtuna is a town of important firsts—the first capital of Sweden, the country's first Christian town, site of the oldest main street, and so on. It is also one of the most attractive small villages you will encounter anywhere in the world.
Begin with a 30-mile drive through the picturesque countryside north of Stockholm to reach the town of Sigtuna, built on the shores of Lake Mälaren. Stroll narrow alleyways lined with charming wooden houses and visit the smallest Town Hall in Scandinavia, dating to 1744 and crafted entirely of wood. As the original center Christianity in Sweden, Sigtuna is home to ruins of a number of medieval churches and one that remains active— St Mary's, built by Dominican Friars in the 13th century and serving as the parish church since the time of the Protestant Reformation.
At the end of your guided tour, enjoy time at leisure in this idyllic small town, perhaps coming across one or more of the 170 runestones that populate the area.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
One of the first things people think of when they think of Stockholm is the Nobel Prize Ceremony, held every December 10, when the world's most prestigious awards are presented to the winners in five areas of intellectual achievement: physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, and economics. (The sixth prize, the Nobel Peace Prize, is presented in a separate ceremony in Oslo). This excursion surveys the history of the prizes and visits the venue in which they are presented.
Begin with a drive to Stockholm's Gamla Stan (Old Town), for a docent-led tour of the Nobel Prize Museum. Located in the Stockholm Stock Exchange Building, the museum was opened in 2001 on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the prizes. Its mission is to honor "the Nobel laureates and their achievements, as well the Nobel Prize and Alfred Nobel." Here you can explore the work and ideas of more than 900 creative minds presented through short films and interactive displays in the "Cultures of Creativity" exhibition—an intriguing lens through which to view the 20th century and the early years of the 21st.
From the museum, travel to the Stockholm Concert Hall, where the Nobel Prize Ceremony takes place every year. A specially curated tour focuses on the arrangements and protocols surrounding the ceremony and ends with a visit to the Great Hall, where the winners receive their medals.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
This excursion, focused on some of the most important design and architecture of a city famous for being avant garde, begins with a visit to Hvitträsk, the birthplace and former home of Finnish architect Eero Saarinen. Saarinen's best-known projects were actually realized in the United States and include the old TWA Terminal at JFK Airport, the St. Louis Arch, and Washington DC'S Dulles Airport. A guided tour through Saarinen's magnificent home, built in 1902 and constructed of nature stone and logs, is followed time at leisure to explore the fascinating exhibits of Finnish arts and crafts or to walk the forested grounds.
On your return to Helsinki, drive along Mannerheim Street, the main thoroughfare, where you will pass by Olympic Stadium, venue for the 1952 Helsinki Olympics, the Opera House, Parliament House, the National Museum and the Finlandia Hall Concert & Convention Center designed by architect Alvar Aalto. Continue to Temppeliaukio Church. Carved from the bedrock, the interior walls are created naturally by the rock, hence its nickname the 'Rock Church'. Because of its excellent acoustics, the church is a popular venue for concerts.
After your visit to the church, drive to Senate Square, undoubtedly one of the most beautiful urban squares in the world. It is dominated by four buildings designed by Carl Ludvig Engel in the early 19th century: Helsinki Cathedral, the Government Palace, the main building of the University of Helsinki, and the National Library of Finland. From Senate Square, walk to the lively Market Place, where you will discover the real heart of Helsinki and enjoy free time browsing the shops and stalls and tasting local foods, before returning to the ship.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
From the Market Square, board a local ferry to Suomenlinna Island, one of the group of islands that guards the sea approach to Helsinki. The island is home to a major monument of military architectural history, added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1991.
Construction of the Fortress began during the period of Swedish rule, expanded under the Russian Imperial Government in the 19th century, and was taken over by the Finnish when they achieved independence in 1918 and renamed the massive structure Suomenlinna, the "Castle of Finland."
In the heyday of its operations, in the 18th and 19th centuries, the fortress was compared with the maritime fortifications of Gibraltar. Its military shipyard was one of the largest dry docks in the world and a major center of naval architectural expertise. In the 1960s the fort was decommissioned from most military uses, but it remains the site of the Finnish Naval Academy.
Your guide will lead you on a walking tour of the island, after which you will have some time at leisure back on the mainland in Market Square, perhaps to enjoy a coffee and pastry.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
From the pier, drive towards Sibelius Park, named after Finland's greatest composer Jean Sibelius on his 80th birthday in 1945. Here you can view the Sibelius Monument designed by Eila Hiltunen.
Proceed to Temppeliaukio Church. Built from the natural bedrock, it is one of Helsinki's most popular tourist attractions. The interior walls are created naturally by the rock, hence its nickname the Rock Church. The church was opened in 1969, and due to its excellent acoustics, the church is a popular venue for concerts.
After the visit, drive to Senate Square; it is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful urban squares in the world. The square is dominated by four buildings designed by Carl Ludvig Engel between 1822 and 1852: Helsinki Cathedral, the Government Palace, the main building of the University of Helsinki, and the National Library of Finland.
Next, walk down from Senate Square to the very lively Market Place. Here, discover the real heart of Helsinki and enjoy free time walking around and tasting local foods. Re-board the coach for the return drive to the pier and ship.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
Tallinn is a wonderfully preserved city whose Old Town is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Start your guided walking tour in the Upper Town with its watch towers, graceful spires and winding, cobbled streets, with wonderful views of the red gabled roofs and spires of the Lower Town. See the Russian Orthodox Church, inaugurated in 1900, and the 13th-century Gothic style Dome Cathedral, and then continue to the castle, which is now the seat of Estonia's Parliament. Here you will meet with a Member of Parliament for an exchange of views on matters of current interest.
Your tour continues as you follow your guide down Long and Short Leg Streets for a walking tour of the Lower Town. Among the highlights you will see are the medieval apothecary, which opened in 1422, the Great Guild House, Holy Ghost Church, and the 15th-century Gothic Town Hall. On the grounds of the Dominican Convent is a colorful market, St. Catherine's arts and crafts center, where you may enjoy some free time before rejoining the coach and returning to the pier.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
Depart the pier and drive through the city center towards Kadriorg Park, the central park of Tallinn, founded in the early 18th century by Peter the Great. The centerpiece of the park is the Castle, whose main hall is probably the best example of Baroque architecture in Estonia. Explore the castles and the surrounding gardens, which were designed by the Italian architect, Michetti, to resemble those of Versailles.
Continue to the Memorial to the Victims of Communism, opened in 2018 and dedicated to those who were murdered, deported, and imprisoned by the Communist regime from 1940 to 1991. During this time, Estonia lost nearly 1 in 5 of their population to the terror imposed by the regime. The somber but beautiful memorial consists of two parts: the Journey, consisting of a walkway between two walls displaying the names of those who perished, and the Home Garden, with informational texts of where terror was carried out.
End with a drive to the Old Town for a walking tour. See all of the most important sites of the Upper and Lower Towns, including Toompea Castle, Nevsky Cathedral, the Great Guild House, Holy Ghost Church, a medieval Apothecary, and Town Hall. End with free time in the city center before returning to the pier.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
Visby, once a stronghold of the Hanseatic League, is a beautifully preserved medieval town, proud of its heritage and anxious to share it with visitors.
Your tour begins with a drive to an area just north of Visby town called Galgberget (“Gallows Hill”), a nature reserve high on a limestone cliff providing beautiful views of the town below and the sea beyond. At the edge of the cliff, three stone pillars stand in a circle—the ruins of a 13th-century gallows, where local criminals were executed. Here, you will also find the ruins of a limestone kiln, remnants of the time when stone from this area was used to build Visby's walls.
Board your motorcoach for a panoramic drive to the former harbor of Almedalen, now a public park. Your walking tour of Almedalen includes Visby’s oldest building, the Powder Tower, erected in the 12th century to defend the harbor. Stroll through the Fisherman’s Gate of the town’s defensive wall to the Botanical Garden Park, which displays many rare plants and is particularly known for its roses.
On the return to Visby, stop on a bridge over the town’s moat, which, though it stretches nearly two miles, has never been filled with water. Your coach will leave you at historic Dalmans Gate, where your walking tour resumes among the cozy alleyways of old Visby. Visit St. Mary’s Cathedral, built by German merchants at the end of the 11th century and still in use today, before exploring the Gotland Museum, noted for its extensive collections, reflecting 8,000 years of local history. Exhibits include unique Iron Age picture stones and gold and silver treasures from the Middle Ages, testifying to Visby's wealth during the period of the Hanseatic League's control of Baltic trade.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
This excursion into the medieval past of Gdansk begins at the Blue Lamb Granary, a branch of the Archaeological Museum of Gdansk which has been responsible for the careful reconstruction of the only remaining Granary from a time when Gdansk was at the center of trade in grains throughout the Baltic region. The Blue Lamb is important both for the building itself and for the exhibits within that chronicle aspects of the city's past.
Although the Old Town of Gdansk was devastated during World War II, it has been completely and lovingly restored to its former glory as a splendid collection of buildings and monuments designed in a mix of Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque styles. Your guided tour here follows the royal route from Green Gate on the banks of the Motlawa River along Long Street to Long Market, home to townhouses that span 400 years. Continue past the Main Town Hall, Artus Court, once the center of commercial activity in the city, and the iconic symbol of Gdansk—the Neptune Fountain. You will find yourself on St. Mary Street, perhaps the liveliest place in the city, with its quaint shops and lovely terraced buildings, where you will have time at leisure to shop for amber jewelry, artwork, and souvenirs of every kind, before regrouping to visit the Old Brewery (Brovarnia Gdansk). Here you will see how the local beer is made using only natural products, and you will be invited to sample some of the results while enjoying a marvelous view over the city from the Beer Terrace.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
This excursion focuses on the important role Gdansk played in the 1980s as the center of the Solidarity movement that helped pave the way to Poland's withdrawal from the Warsaw Pact in 1990. But it also affords ample time in the Old Town to get a sense of the rich history of this 1,000-year-old city.
You begin with a short drive to the European Solidarity Centre, opened in 2014 as a monument to, and a center for the study of, Polish resistance to Soviet Communist authority in the post-WWII world. While most of the exhibition is devoted to the history of the "Solidarity" movement led by Lech Walesa, it also covers earlier episodes of challenges to authoritarian rule and tells the story of the ultimate emergence of the Third Polish Republic. Following your guided tour through this impressive place, transfer to the center of Gdansk and the Old Town.
Although the Old Town of Gdansk was devastated during World War II, it has been completely and lovingly restored to its former glory as a splendid collection of buildings and monuments designed in a mix of Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque styles. Follow the royal route from Green Gate on the banks of the Motlawa River along Long Street to Long Market, home to townhouses that span 400 years. Continue past the Main Town Hall, Artus Court, once the center of commercial activity in the city, and the iconic symbol of Gdansk—the Neptune Fountain. You will find yourself on St. Mary Street, perhaps the liveliest place in the city, with its quaint shops and lovely terraced buildings, where you will have time at leisure to shop for amber jewelry, artwork, and souvenirs of every kind before returning to the harbor and your ship.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
From the pier in Gudhjem, a short drive to the northern tip of the island brings you to the village of Allinge, where your first stop on this panoramic tour of Bornholm is at Hammershus Castle Ruin, the largest castle ruin in Northern Europe. The oldest part of the castle was built in the early 12th century to consolidate the power of the Archbishopric of Lund (then part of Denmark) and obtained through an agreement with the Danish king. For the next 500 years Hammershus was rebuilt and expanded by the various rulers of the island, until it was finally abandoned in 1743. Enjoy a magnificent view of the ruins and explore the Visitor Center where you can learn more about the castle and the kings who ruled the island.
Travel south along the coast to reach Ronne, the largest city on the island and its capital. Your guide will provide an orientation as you walk to the town center, followed by time on your own to explore the quiet cobblestone streets lined with colorful timbered houses.
Leaving Ronne, drive across the island, pausing at the famous Oesterlars Roundchurch, built in the middle of the 12th century, and one of four round churches located on Bornholm (fully half of all the round churches in Denmark). From here it is only a short drive back to Gudhjem, where your coach will let you off at the top of the town so that you can follow your guide downhill through the narrow streets of the village and past the local hard candy and caramel factory before you reach the pier to tender back to your ship.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
From the pier in Gudhjem, a short drive to the northern tip of the island brings you to the village of Allinge, where your first stop on this panoramic tour of Bornholm is at Hammershus Castle Ruin, the largest castle ruin in Northern Europe. The oldest part of the castle was built in the early 12th century to consolidate the power of the Archbishopric of Lund (then part of Denmark) and obtained through an agreement with the Danish king. For the next 500 years Hammershus was rebuilt and expanded by the various rulers of the island, until it was finally abandoned in 1743. Enjoy a magnificent view of the ruins and explore the Visitor Center where you can learn more about the castle and the kings who ruled the island.
From Hammershus, travel inland through the forest to Oesterlars Roundchurch, built in the middle of the 12th century, and one of four round churches located on Bornholm (fully half of all the round churches in Denmark). You will tour the interior of the church, provided no religious services are scheduled.
From the world of kings and prelates to the lives of rural farmers, your final stop is at Melstedgaard Agricultural Museum on the outskirts of Gudhjem. The open-air portion of the museum recreates the world of farming in a much earlier time with interactive exhibits where you can learn about farming and about Bornholm's history as an agricultural center. Enjoy a refreshment and browse through “Skafferiet," a shop that features goods and produce from around the island.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
The island of Bornholm is famous throughout Denmark for its culinary specialties. This excursion is designed to allow you to sample a number of them and discover for yourself the reason for Bornholm's fame.
Begin with a drive from Gudhjem to the fishing village of Svaneke, the easternmost point in Denmark. Visit Svaneke Brewhouse, a 100% organic microbrewery, where you are invited to sample from its wide range of craft beers, followed by some time to browse in the village shops offering artisanal crafts and local delicacies. Of special interest are the ice cream and chocolate shops.
Leaving Svaneke, drive inland to pause at the famous Oesterlars Roundchurch, built in the middle of the 12th century, and one of four round churches located on Bornholm (fully half of all the round churches in Denmark). Reaching the northern tip of the island, stop in the town of Allinge, where you continue your culinary exploration with a visit to a local smoke house for a tasting of smoked herring served in the way the locals enjoy it, with chives, radishes and rye bread accompanied by a cold drink of your choice.
Returning to Gudhjem, your coach will let you off at the top of the town so that you can follow your guide downhill through the narrow streets if the village and past the local hard candy and caramel factory before you reach the pier to tender back to your ship.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
Denmark, like other Scandinavian countries, prides itself on offering a high standard of living for many of its citizens and an extensive range of social and economic services for all. This excursion begins with a short drive to the Odd Fellows Mansion in historic Frederiksstaden, where a local scholar delivers a lecture outlining Danish history and explaining how Denmark came to be known around the worlds for its social safety net. Titled "From Peasant to Present," the lecture chronicles the major events in Danish history that transformed a state where farmers and peasants had virtually no rights and owed most of their income to kings and nobles into a society where six weeks of paid holiday is standard, where nine months of maternity or paternity leave is normal, and where education is free. Following the lecture, walk to Amalienborg Palace, literally just around the corner from the Odd Fellows Mansion. Amalienborg is the official residence of the King, Queen, and Queen Mother, and you are free to stroll through the simple but elegant Palace Square.
Continue to Christiansborg Palace, once home to kings and queens and now the seat of the Danish Parliament, the Royal Reception Rooms, and the Supreme Court. It is also the place where Denmark displays memorabilia of its 800 years of royal history, some of which will be familiar to you from the lecture. A highlight of your visit will be the Great Hall which displays Her Royal Highness Queen Margrethe II's tapestries. Presented to the Queen in 1990 on the occasion of her 50th birthday, the eleven tapestries tell the story of 1000 years of Danish history.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
Denmark, like other Scandinavian countries, prides itself on offering a high standard of living for many of its citizens and an extensive range of social and economic services for all. This excursion begins with a short drive to the Odd Fellows Mansion in historic Frederiksstaden, where a local scholar delivers a lecture outlining Danish history and explaining how Denmark came to be known around the world for its social safety net. Titled "From Peasant to Present," the lecture chronicles the major events in Danish history that transformed a state where farmers and peasants had virtually no rights and owed most of their income to kings and nobles into a society where six weeks of paid holiday is standard, where nine months of maternity or paternity leave is normal, and where education is free. Following the lecture, walk to Amalienborg Palace, literally just around the corner from the Odd Fellows Mansion. Amalienborg is the official residence of the King, Queen, and Queen Mother, and you are free to stroll through the simple but elegant Palace Square.
Rejoin your motorcoach for a panoramic drive through the city of Copenhagen, passing landmarks, many of which are the work of the royals and politicians you learned about in the lecture. Then, leaving the city, follow the coastline to the south and east to reach the town of Dragør, said to be the best kept village environment in Denmark. Tour the cobblestoned old town of well-preserved yellow houses with red roofs built in traditional Danish style, and hear the story of the Dutch farmers who were invited here by King Christian II to improve the productivity of the land. On the return to your ship, pass through Ørestad, an experimental community combining new age architecture with a deep commitment to sustainability.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
Gothenburg, Sweden's second-largest city, is known for a number of things. It is, for example, the world headquarters of Volvo and the site of the largest amusement park in Scandinavia. But it is also known as the center of a booming fishing industry on the islands north and west of the city.
Driving north from Gothenburg, you pass through the historical town of Kungälv, site of the impressive ruins of Bohus Fortress, dating to the 14th century, when it was built to defend what was then the border between Sweden and Norway. Continue to Stenungsund, where you pause for a view of the beautiful Tjörn Bridge that spans the Askerö Fjord, and then cross to the island of Tjörn. Stop in the old fishing village of Klädesholmen, a long-time center of the herring industry, for a guided walking tour of the town, and then continue to the main town of Skärhamn, where the shipping industry employs some 2,000 people, half of the total population. It is here that you will sample herring pickled in Klädesholmen, and enjoy some time at leisure before returning to Gothenburg and your ship.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
Gothenburg, Sweden's second-largest city, is known for a number of things. It is, for example, the world headquarters of Volvo and the site of the largest amusement park in Scandinavia. But it is perhaps best known as the gateway to the stunningly beautiful islands off of Sweden's west coast.
This excursion to Öckerö, an archipelago just west of the city, begins with a scenic drive to the coastal town of Lilla Varholmen, where you board a ferry for the short ride to the island chain. At the Öckerö folklore center, enjoy a coffee and a pastry as you look out over an array of fishing boats, boathouses, and charming fishing huts. Your exploration continues with visits to the islands of Fotö and Hönö, where a guided walking tour leads you through a typical fishing village of rustic huts built on the edges of a granite landscape. You will also have some free time here to browse on your own before returning to Gothenburg and your ship.
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager.
Ouverture des pré-réservations auprès de votre conseiller ou de votre agence de voyage, environ 2 mois avant le départ et jusqu'à 7 jours avant le début de la croisière, dans la limite des places disponibles.
Oslo is one of the great cities of Northern Europe, and this post-cruise program offers the chance to explore some of the history and charm of the city and its surroundings. It is a perfect way to bring your exploration of World Affairs in the Baltic Sea to a leisurely conclusion.
Day 1 – Disembark | Drøbak | Oslo
After breakfast aboard, meet your guide for a scenic drive northward from Fredrikstad to the charming town of Drøbak on the shores of Oslofjord, about 20 miles south of the capital. Reaching its prime in the mid 19th century when it was granted a Charter to serve as the winter harbor for Oslo when the fjord froze, Drøbak today looks much as it did in its heyday a century and a half ago. A short, guided walking tour will orient you to the town's many arts and crafts galleries and to its famous year-round Christmas shop. During time at leisure, you may take the opportunity to shop for festive gifts in this permanent Christmas store, or you may prefer to browse other market square shops and galleries, or relax over a coffee in one of the cozy cafés.
Following your visit to Drøbak, a short drive brings you to Norway's capital, Oslo, where the first order of business is lunch at Lofoten Fiskerestaurant, known for its dedication to serving fresh seafood in the best Norwegian tradition. Then, it's on to the Fram Museum, dedicated to Norway's proud history of polar exploration, with exhibits of photographs, film, and models detailing the work of the explorers Nansen, Amundsen, and Sverdrup. The central exhibit, however, is the complete restoration of the polar exploration vessel Fram. Built in 1893, it was specially designed to be small and sturdy in order to withstand the pressure of pack-ice so that it could flow with the ice on east/west currents to approach the North Pole. During its time afloat, Fram held the world records for sailing furthest north and furthest south.
Your day of exploration nears its end with a visit to Vigeland Sculpture Park, one of Europe's great civic monuments. Displaying 200 sculptures by Gustav Vigeland in granite, bronze and wrought iron, installed mainly between 1940-49, the park celebrates the artist's vision of human relationships. From Vigeland, drive to the center of Oslo to check in to the Hotel Amerikalinjen, where the balance of the day is at leisure and dinner is independent.
Day 2 – Oslo
After breakfast at the hotel and check out, transfer to the airport for flights homeward.
Your hotel:
Once the headquarters of Norwegian American Lines, the Amerikalinjen has now been converted to a vibrant boutique hotel located within walking distance of the Opera, the Kvadraturen shopping district, and the nightlife of Youngstorget. Its rooms and suites are furnished with all of the amenities you would expect from a luxury property. It houses several restaurants and bars, as well as a popular Jazz Club. A fully equipped exercise room is available 24 hour a day.
Your program includes:
Your program does not include:
Please note:
Hotel contact information:
Jerbanetorget 2
0154 Oslo
+47 21 40 59 00
Total TTC : 1 280 €
Selon disponibilité, tarif par passager, en base occupation double.